Additional thoughts for OP to digest…no judgement included.
“Cow pony” trainer may not have any trustworthy contacts with anybody offering well started, 60k WBs. Its not what she is good at or even wants to do. She also may not be able to leave her business to travel outside of a days drive to test ride and evaluate a prospect for you. She sounds like a smart gal. May not be right for your dream goals but she runs a good local barn from what you share. And she might be considering what your parents have actually told her.
That 60k WB will likely cost you an additional 12k in commissions, 1500-2500 for a PPE. If it does come from out of the local area, there will be additional travel charges for trainer and you to travel, evaluate and test ride, plane ride, rent car, hotel and the cost to ship the horse to whatever barn you chose ($1a mile or more).
Ask the show barn trainer exactly how much board and (usually required lessons/training) will be. How much they charge for trailering your horse to the A show, how much they charge for day care ($50-$125 a day) and how many days the horse would have to be there (usually between 5-7. Per week). Some run 2-3 weeks. Oh….you’ll need a new saddle and show outfits. Lets not forget coaching at shows-lessons and warming you up for your round then critiquing after. This is all on top of entry and stall fees at the show.
Most barns have a rate sheet. Sometimes on their social media pages or just ask them for one.
Get the actual facts on actual costs, thats the Adult thing to do.
Just put this out there, that 60k would get you a dam good Stock type horse that can jump around very well with lessons and shows and maybe new show clothes too 
One other thing…have you sat down with parents and had a discussion about what they can afford to pay? Total costs monthly? Will they back you on a car or have to keeping driving you? Ask them to tell you the TRUTH. Its a tough conversation but at 16, you should be willing to hear it.
The best thing my folks ever did for me was tell me the truth about what we could afford. It sucked but helped me deal with the reality and aim for attainable goals.
JMO but never, ever ran into any 6-9 year olds who really knew what it actually cost. Some did not even know “their” Pony was leased, not owned.