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Horse will not poop when working?

I wish!! Mine will poop once they’re warmed up and working and usually as far away from the scooper and rake as possible. So much so that part of our cool down includes dismounting, getting the scooper and rake, hiking to the far end of the arena and picking up the arc of poop.

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Mine generally does not while I ride in the arena. On a trail ride he will eventually (well after the average length of our arena rides). However, he will go as soon as he gets in the trailer!
And he also has a few designated pee spots around the farm, “no splash zones” on gravel or wood chips and he also loves to pee in a fresh bed of shavings.
I have a friend who swears that pooping during a ride is an indication of relaxation, and said her horse never used to but she is thrilled that he now does. :grin: I’m not sure if that is true, but I don’t think that not pooping is necessarily a bad sign either.

My mare does the same thing. Even if it is for a 10 minute ride. I don’t call it the horse trailer anymore…it is the port-a-potty.
