Horses that nicker when you end on a good note.

My Stallion Nickers every time too!

My Stallion Worthy Opponent, always nickers to me every time I dismount. Oh my gosh, does this horse know how to make me LITERALLY fall in love with him!

Funny thing is, I do not allow him to talk when he’s being ridden, so the first time he did it (day 15 undersaddle) I got after him for it thinking it was directed at a mare, but then quickly realized there were no other horses around. Since that day he has nickered just about every time I dismount, and it makes me happy, and it makes me feel guilty for getting after him the first time he did it.

I think it is just the sweetest thing! I always warn people who take lessons on him that he will do it and PLEASE don’t get after him for it! I also warn them that he will make them fall head over heals for him (in love, not literally), and their husbands need to watch out! LOL!!! :lol::lol::lol:


That explains my situation as well!

My stallion does not nicker but when I am riding him and he is ejoying himself he moans and groans. It is pretty funny to listen to and you get a good giggle but I have to tell people it is just HIM! :slight_smile: It was pretty weird when I went to ride him for the first time before I purchased him, his owner told me that he does it when he is enjoying himself…and relaxing. But that is the only one out of the 7 that makes noises when we ride.

I loved reading all the other posts. :slight_smile:

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Thats funny. I wonder if it’s just a vocal horse thing as after reading this thread I realize my gelding has quite the vocabulary.

If he is working and I am pushing him to do more than he is ready for he will try valiantly but squeek a long “under his breath” squeek that lasts for 6-7 strides.

When he rolls he makes an air escaping from a balloon “oh this feels so good noise”, when I come to feed breakfast I get a very LOW rumbling nicker, and if he knows I am in the barn but have not come to fetch him yet he does a very shrill impatient angry sounding scream.:yes: Oh and he has a different noise for when I come to the gate to get him it’s two sylables and always accompanied by a head knod.:yes:

Yeah head over heals and the DH calls him “the other man”.


My husband’s horse does this. I ride him and he does it for me too… he knows we have cookies.
He’s also generally sweet.

One ride he nickered all the way from the ring to the cross ties that was cute! :slight_smile:

Another endearing habit my horse has picked up is when I am bridleing him (I put my arm over his neck), and he has to tickle me. At first I was worried he was going to nip because he is still a little grabby about reins and stuff. But no, he gets that big ole lip out and just starts tickling away. You can almost hear him thinking “I’m gonna git yer tummy…I’m gonna git it.” :smiley:


My mare just recetly started doing this! She nickers when I reward her either verbally or with a sugar cube. She is going really well now and each ride is better and better. I think she is just really proud of herself!

Last week during a lesson my trainer was working her from the ground with half steps. She was doing so good and she started nickering at her! It was so cute!


lol I can totally picture that.

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Resurrecting an old thread to see if anyone has more insight into the behaviour of nickering during dismounting?

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I don’t, but it was fun to read this thread and be reminded of my experience. I had a sweet young appy mare who would do it. She would also nicker sometimes when she realized we were done with a lunging session and I was walking up to her. Maybe it was sort of like a greeting, coming back into her space as a buddy instead of task master? IIRC, she kind of outgrew it after she’d been under saddle for some time.


These stories are adorable. 🥹

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Aww I loved this thread. My mare has been doing jumping lessons for some specially chosen brave kids, and when I’m out watching them ride and they have a good combination of jumps, she always wants to come over and “groom” me (she rubs her lip on you while you scratch her) and has the most satisfied look on her face. She’s picky about her kids, so I love seeing her so happy with them.

Don’t worry, I get the grooming when I hop off after all my rides on her so I don’t get jealous, I’m still her favorite :joy:

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My very good boy lesson horse does this about 50% of the time. He only started doing it about 3 years ago (I have had him for close to 15 years now). he is ridden by people that like to feed him carrots, so maybe it is anticipation of treats? A former lesson horse did this too, but he did it for anyone. Neither horse nickers to people in general though. I really hope it is a nice thing. I like to think my lesson horse likes his life - he’s sharp as ever with no hint of sourness.

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Our son’s gelding did this. He is retired now, but back when he was ridden he was very invested in being a Good Obedient Boy. He tried hard to do things exactly right, and nearly every time it was the end of the ride, he’d nicker at our son, or at me. Sometimes I had the feeling that he was saying “Thank goodness that’s over,” and sometimes it felt like something close to pride, “Hey, I did that!”

He nickers and rumbles before every feeding too. We love it.

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