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How are you people getting your saddle pads so clean??

First, I agree with the many comments about your washing machine; it may be the problem. As for stains, I never wash them in hot water first. Hot water can set some stains, so I do a cold wash first with extra detergent and extra rinses.

For stubborn stains, I pour liquid laundry detergent directly on the stained areas and let it sit for a while before washing. That step alone will usually do the trick.

If you are washing white cotton, you can use bleach with either the hot or cold wash. Donā€™t bleach any fabrics other than white cotten or linen.

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Doesnā€™t work for me either.

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I havenā€™t read all the replies so excuse me if itā€™s been mentioned but on saw on Instagram the Lemieux wash bag for saddle pads and ā€œcactusā€ balls you put in the bag that pickup all the hair off the pad. Donā€™t know how well it works but looked like it did a good job.

I always hosed mine off after each ride. If extra dirty, hose with soap. I made a clothesline of baling twine (Duh) near the wash area and hung them til next am. It was a very informal barn, no one minded. Then I washed at home after many uses.



ETA - at the same time as initiate!

Iā€™m very belatedly discovering this thread, but what kind of Scotchguard do people use? Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield? I went to buy some and there are all sorts of kinds - Rug & Carpet Protector, Water & Sun Shield, Outdoor Water Shield, etc. Itā€™s probably common knowledge which is the main one, but Iā€™m not familiar with the product!

I always vacuum mine first. I use just the hose not the sweeper head on them. I have an o,d sweeper that I use . Any stains get a blast of spray and wash or similar product. Add a little liquid non chlorine bleach, let them soak a little before starting g the actual wash cycle. I use warm not hot to get mine sparkling clean. I also vacuum after every use so they donā€™t get really dirty between washes.

If you arenā€™t vacuuming first, the water they are being washed in is probably pretty dirty and that could cause them to not come out really white

Rug & Carpet Protector.