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How did you know your saddle was "the one?"

When I bought my new (to me) saddle this past summer, I worked with a fitter who basically listed 3 saddles (with specs) that would work. I had a decent budget but I struggled to find what I was looking for. When I did, I found 4 and all pretty much had no trial except for the one that the fitter nixed based on specs. I ended up buying off of facebook and crossing my fingers. And it’s pretty good. We went into the process knowing we’d have to shim whatever we got due to some uneveness so I wasn’t looking for perfect. But I feel we found pretty good based on fit.

And then the first ride I was almost bounced out of the tack at the trot and couldn’t find the rhythm. You see, for the past several months, my horse was dragging, uncomfortable, and just… off. Not lame, but off. One ride in the saddle? The most forward non-draggy trot I’d ever experienced from him. His back felt loose and he was just HAPPY. Me? I had no clue what I was doing. I just could not post to it (the canter I felt better, but my horse still felt GOOD). Thankfully, the second ride, slightly shorter stirrups, and being prepared for my happy horse left me feeling better about the saddle. But, after that first ride I knew, even if I wasn’t so sure, I’d figure out a way to make it work.