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How much do you pay for riding lessons?

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I am in northern VA
$90 for a dressage or jumping lesson on my own horse, in my sister’s ring. That includes her mileage fee. Dressage student of Nuno Olivera (real student, not someone who just did a couple of clinics with him), and former upper level Eventer, who trained with Jiffy Wofford.
(OOOPS, Jimmy Wofford.)

I’m in Los Angeles. My trainer charges $100 per lesson at her facility on your own horse, or $150 if she has to travel. But most people are in training programs. Full training in this area includes 4-5 rides or lessons per week, plus care, supplement feeding and grooming, and runs around $1500 - $1600 per month.

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SE PA, $60 for an hour +/- lesson on a horse I lease, either jumping, dressage, or cross country. Trainer comes to the barn and I think she does pay a small fee to the barn owner for use of the ring/little cross country area. It’s $50 for her to ride. She hasn’t increased her rate in the 5 years or so I’ve ridden with her. She’s not a “name” of any kind but skilled and experienced.

Recently took a couple polo lessons, and they were $150 for a private hour lesson, horse provided and fully tacked up and cooled off for you (sooo not what I’m used to); more if you’re playing in a coaching game.

I know it’s a typo, but I think he would have loved it. RIP, Jiffy.


Thank you, that’s not bad for a hight level instructor. Do you mind me asking what state you’re in?


Thank you, that’s not too bad a price

Thank you, that’s pretty good value, do you mind me asking what state you’re in?

Thank you, I never thought about mileage fees too if you’re travelling a lot.

Thank you, that’s interesting to know

That’s a good price, do you mind me asking what state you’re in?

Thank you

Thank you, that’s a great price

Thank you, that’s not bad at all

Thank you, I guess if you’re lucky enough to have a horse then training program is a good way to go

Thank you, I never even thought about polo lessons

Indiana --NE 4 miles from MI, 50 from OH.

Thank you

NW Indiana