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How to get started in Endurance riding? Or competitive trail? And what’s the difference?

the Florida season has wound down for the summer, but rides there will pick back up in the fall when the temperatures cool a bit.

Not sure how far away Dawsonville, GA is from you, but there is a ride there the beginning of June. If you are interested in volunteering I am sure the ride manager would find you a job!

The Florida rides pick back up mid-november, with the first being in the panhandle (Milton, FL), and then there will be 5ish rides in the Goethe Forest near Morriston and Dunnellon from December through March (that is the endurance mecca in the winter).

I’m not sure but I’ll check and see how far it is. OOO my endurance friend lives in Milton, that would be perfect.
Yeah no way am I doing any serious riding over the summer, it already feels like the surface of the sun in FL. But I do plan to do a lot of reading and “research” into the discipline and be ready to go come the fall.

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