
Nothing like checking on a thread with 60 new posts after a long holiday/5-day internet hiatus to see your actual name show up in the first post back :joy: Pheewwwweeee. Now that Iā€™ve cleaned up the coffee and confirmed I havenā€™t become COTHā€™s Character of the Day, I wanted to thank you for the shout out. Itā€™s nice to be reminded that sometimes there are folks listening when I scream into the void.


I am so sorry. Hope it was easy to refill your cup?!

I might have paraphrased your words in a post about TBā€™s. I did not use your name though. They have definitely stuck with me all these years.

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Thereā€™s always more coffee handy here! Unless itā€™s after 2pm lol
But seriously, I do appreciate it, even honored! Iā€™m in a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Internet and its superficialness right now, so this was a nice way to dive back in :heart:


Insulin resistance.

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Metformin is on the list of prohibited drugs on page 6 of the USEF drug brochure (which is admittedly a bit hard to read on a phone since itā€™s set up in columns).

In general, the USEF drug query phone number is very helpful. The number is in the above brochure someplace.


This must be a new draft. It wasnā€™t there when I had the violation. I checked all of it out as did attorneys etc. They randomly put out new pamphlets. Itā€™s not always like clockwork annually Iā€™ve noticed.


Been a while since I showed USEF, but I used to use Prascend for my cushings pony and could legally show with a vet report and 24 hour withdrawal of drug. Similar to Metformin which also used to need a vet report and 24 hour withdrawal.

Has that changed? I couldnā€™t tell via the document and will email to confirm.

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You are probably the reason itā€™s listed now


Prascend is legal with a vet prescription and a lot of paperwork. But since withdrawal is bad for the animal, it is now allowed.


In the document shared above itā€™s listed under the column that states 24 hour withdraw. So :woman_shrugging:. Iā€™m emailing to be sure.

I could see how people would abuse Cushings meds as it does make them less bright.

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Lucky me. Hahaha

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You can apply for an exemption to allow the horse to show on Prascend for PPID/Cushings - requires a blood test to USEF and a vet signed exemption form. Horse can show on the legal dose if granted. Otherwise, 24 hour rule applies.


My vet said that itā€™s quite doable. Not too onerous. Less of a rodeo than doing a daily med report online.

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I sure wouldnā€™t withhold it from my horse just so I could show.


Same. Pain medication is one thing, but does anyone know of any other drugs that are used for long-term health conditions that are banned? For example, thyro-L for a hypothyroid horse.


I have a problem with a horse with idiopathic hives. He responds well to a low dose of hydroxyzine, but thatā€™s on the 10 day withdrawal list. So if he sprouts hives at a show my only option is to use Dex. Which is somewhat of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.


That really sucks. I feel like there should be some sort of process for people to submit records from their vet showing what a horse needs for therapeutic purposes. But I guess then we have to trust the vetsā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Centirizine and hydroxyzine are both on the 24 hour list with a TUE report. I know quite a few people who keep their horses on Zyrtec for the summer due to allergies, who file a TUE and just donā€™t give the day before a show.

The D&M people are super helpful if you email with questions, and thereā€™s a pretty extensive (though obviously not exhaustive) list in the online booklet.


Basically everything you would use to treat a head shaker :frowning:


Actually, my vet says (and I believe this) Prascend makes them feel better and so they are less quiet. Very true of two in my barn.