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Hunter/Jumper FAQ -- copy, link, add useful info here!

Thanks for that, it’s much appreciated!

HJ barns near Plano or Dallas

Anybody of any good ones? Thanks!

So a Black helmet and Navy coat don’t look odd?

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When did the prohibition on them , drops, flashes, figure 8s.come about?? I thought, I had seen them as recently as '96 at an A show in the Midwest:confused:

Drop, flash or figure 8 noseband (Thanks, Chef Jade, for pointin

Mane Pulling and Thinning on Sensitive Horses

The Lynn Palm Method of pulling a mane:


The Nair Method of thinning a mane:


Helpful distance chart for horse/pony stride lengths.

Dealing with fear:


Extremely useful and informative article on ethics and legality in horse dealing, commissions, and agency:


Helpful article for those considering their first horse purchase:



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There is a show jumping distance converter on Google Play.

Hi - I just did a duplicate post above (duh)… so I thought I’d share some (free) information as follows:

  1. What is the Canter Stride, how to walk it
  2. Types of Jumps and why they are tricky
  3. Loads of Distance Information - including difference releases


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Is there any way you could make a video displaying this method? Very intriguing !

Great idea…

Not sure why running martingales are listed as unconventional in a hunter class. As of December 1, 2015 either standing or running martingales may be used in any hunter class per HU 124.1
A couple of judges have tried to disqualify people using running martingales at some local vhsa shows. Got a real kick out of it when they called 2 big R rated judges to confirm they were illegal. R judges agreed they had no knowlege of them being legal. Internet service comes up and Voila’ rules state either can be used in any hunter class. Seems like a lot of folks including lots of judges, stewards, trainers don’t know this.

In looking at date on post in 2009 yes, running martingales were unconventional in hunter classes. 2015 both are accepted. I do believe a lot of people are still not aware of these rulings. While waiting for a USEF talent class one very nice jr. rider politely told my student and I she was concerned about us using a running martingale and getting eliminated.

She would have been eliminated had she not taken her standingmartingale off. WIHS jumper eq epecifies running as well.

I bought this bridle- Royal Hunter Padded Bridle from their website www.bridlesandreins.com.

Everything. I love the suppleness of the cheek pieces. I like the look of it. It looks like an expensive bridle. I really love the padded brow and noseband. It is very sturdy.Padding is very nice! Not too thick and not too thin! Once oiled it’s pretty soft and supple. The noseband is large which looks very nice on longer warmblood heads.My horse seems happy in it above all.

I highly recommend using this bridle. and it is very nice of them to give reins free. it arrived within 6 days of placing the order. I will buy again from them.

I have a show shirt that has buttons on the collar area that are round opal like buttons. Is this legal in the hunter ring?


my horse gets so hot and jumps a 2 foot vertical as a 6 foot by 4 foot oxer!!! how can i fix this ? he HATES contact and acts out when i put him on the bit

That’s really cognitive information to know about such a indomitable and concrete stuffs. I stolidly respect that effort and hope to keep the good work as same as always.