Hypermobility Syndrome and Saddle Fit for the Rider


Took my horse for a trail ride yesterday. Popped a log over which my horse had an unnecessarily large leap. Trotted around in the woods and was not murdered by the bucks chasing the does. Had a canter up the hills and dismounted still mostly sound enough to pass a prepurchase exam. Maintaining a posture towards a pelvic tilt, instead of my natural tendency/scoliosis toward lordosis, seems to help. Of course that required a lot of muscle building but that’s finally coming along.

I’m doing about 40 exercises daily and it’s becoming boring very quickly, but it’s paying off. The muscles in my shoulders have taken over and fixed my chronic subluxation - you can’t even see the divot any more, and my riding trainer hasn’t had to correct my posture lately as I’ve finally achieved a natural evenness. I have pain free days and mostly pain free days, and painful days are usually an episode or two that improves by the next day instead of pain all day long with fluxuations in intensity but no relief.

PT 100% helped and I recommend it to anyone who thinks they have EDS or one of its cousins. It was a literal life saver for me. Currently my biggest battle is that the exercise routine takes so damn long and the early dark saps my motivation. I’m trying switching up to doing my exercises in the morning instead of the evening when I just want to sit in a heap. We’ll see if that helps things for a bit, but I’m going to consider Pilates or an exercise regime that’s not a half cardio rush. Strictly forbidden to forget technique or allow my joints to clack together. The arthritis is already there. No need to invite an even earlier onset.

Thanks for all your recs!