Absolutely. FWIW, I agree with your original post, while I also agree with many others comments. I think it’s a sad state of our world that we feel we must “always be productive”. I feel sorry for this person’s horse!
As long as we can respect that we all think a bit differently, then carry on.
My brain is always wondering about stuff too.
Is it unproductive time when you take a child for a walk in the woods? To stand in awe and wonder?
I had taken in a rogue horse once. I rode him bareback with a rope halter on the trails. He learned to relax. He loved to stop and stand on a ridge top and look and look. I rode him in his time, his own pace. When he was saddled I let him run and buck. I’d stand in the stirrups and keep him moving forward. Keep his head up. He’d get his frustration out and then we had our understanding.
Down time keeps us all sane.
But maybe that truly IS her “enjoy”. We all enjoy different things. We all have a different definition of productivity, too. Some days it may be just tacking up and getting on for some, while for others it may be trying something new, or maybe doing ground work. No rights or wrongs here.
While I don’t find it sad, I do offer my opinion that one might not want to say “just trail riding” as I explain that to some horses, that’s a great challenge! I think when some trail riders talk to someone they know is a, say, dressage rider, or jumper, they think we may look down upon them for that. I certainly don’t! I ride with some of these dedicated trail riders, and they leave me in the dust! Especially friends on gaited horses. I just say, see you back at camp…much later! haha. And this is me on my TB.
Ooh, looks in mirror, “who’s that?”
“I think you’ll find it’s the face of a hypocrite”
See we have a ladies saddle club once a month, kind of a social get together, some ride, some just come to hang out. We have had great fun, playing soccer with an oversized ball, plastic axe throwing, drill rides, all sorts of things. Numbers dwindled over the summer and in the big outdoor arena, plenty of room to warm up, do your own thing, or join in the activities.
Last Monday it was held in the indoor, and all the ease of handling obstacles had been left out from a show the day before., and the turn out was HUGE. ihave to admit to having a frustratingly “unproductive” time. Couldn’t actually work on anything because there were people going everywhere, or hanging out chatting in areas that were corridors from place to place. I mean it was a great exersise in looking where you are going, and trying to stay safe, but yes, unproductive!