This weekend we had a visiting coach come in, well respected around here, and I was nervous, the first person outside my ‘bubble’ appraise Mellow and I. Having stepped down from 16.3 hh to 15 and nearly 1hh he just feels like a damn pony to me. Sounds funny when your hear someone else say “she owns the big white horse” I was very prepared for her to say we were not a good fit, being I am a larger person, but she said we were well matched. 🤣 I tend to believe her because I heard her tell someone later, very nicely, that she and her horse might not be the best match, novice rider and novice horse.
She, like everyone who has met Mellow loves him, thinks he is a great horse, “who found him for you?”
“I found him myself!”
I got a lot from our session, because I could just concentrate and ride, and wasn’t worried about what he would do, it’s so great. Now to concentrate on me, seems now I’m riding without a safety vest, and am relaxing, I’m now collapsed to my right side as I ride…the side I smashed up so badly…work to be done there!