Ideas for DIY Jumper jump fill, walls, Liverpool/open water

Yes, my trainer does this!

(Sorry, I didn’t quote correctly, trainer takes yoga mats to the shows for schooling.)

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Some people even bring their own piece of astroturf to the schooling ring.

The yoga mats are very handy. You can attach them to a backpack or just tuck them under your arm.


We used to take off our coats and drape them over the top of barbed wire fences when we needed to jump over barbed wire to follow the hounds.

I say our, but we usually would get a couple of juniors to jump off and use theirs.


Good idea. Let the juniors do it! Lol.

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Christmas tree fake or real. A friend found 5 fake Christmas trees on the side of the road a few years back. Not just normal ones but hot pink, lime green and a blue one. They made for great decor under jumps or beside.



First smaller fake water jump

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Same one with tarp extended a bit

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Astroturf carpet instead of tarp


Definitely going to do this, thanks for sharing!!

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Here’s a video of the second time schooling the water concept but we added a low vertical rail about 2’ into the width to encourage his jump up and over the expanse.

You can of course watch the whole school if you like, but I schooled this fence last after all the other stuff and this link goes right to when I jumped it.


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What a lovely schooling session, you guys look fantastic! Thank you again for sharing, I am glad to see that it’s possible to pull off diy open water jump with a tarp. I love that you put the yoga mat at the end of it to help keep the tarp in place. Very easy to pack up as well :slight_smile:

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Sorry I recommended it. I’ve never had problems like yours but I’ll go back and remove it from my post. What breed of dog’s head will fit through the 2 inch holes?

It’s always remarkable the way animals can figure out new and unexpected ways to try to kill themselves with objects that seem very innocuous.