Very cute Horse, interjecting here because she has what appears to be a significant crack on her left front, and it is unclear how that’s being addressed by your Farrier. Would hate to see such a cute youngster end up with a long-term problem…
I had already taken her to the farrier when I first got her. The farrier shaved the bigger part down and it doesn’t look as bad as it first did. He told me it would be a scar for a while and eventually go away and it wont cause her to go lame or anything.
I was using text to speech and that’s how it spelled it and I didn’t notice until after I had posted.
Is the photo you posted before or after the farrier worked on the crack?
It doesn’t look great in the photo. Has anyone taken films? I would be aggressive about treating that. Hoof cracks can be a REAL pain in the ass. Ask me how I know
Well spotted. That’s a major crack, likely lots of rot running up that hoof too. I watch a hoof dissection FB channel and learned that even small cracks are hiding a lot of debris and fungal infection.
As far as conformation, all the photos seem a bit skewed. But I’d say the horse is at age stage where the head and neck seem disproportionately large to the torso. The actual proportions of back to hip seem fine.
I would prefer the sacrum to be above the point of hip, not behind, for more strength. But it’s not a big deal. I’d say the neck also ties in low (typical of some QH lines, but not of WB) and is naturally straight. This makes it look longer
Agreeing with @vxf111
I lost my WB to anaerobic infection in the hoof capsule.
Which may have entered through a much smaller crack nearer the coronet.
@DistinctiveEquine my shoer taught me to rasp horizontally just above a vertical crack like that to stop it progressing.
Was that done?
He examined where the crack was coming from then shaved of the excess part of the crack. He told me to keep it clean. Then went on about how bad it could’ve been, and in this case she was very lucky.