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Intercostal Muscle Strain/Floating Rib Syndrome

I’ve heard this story a few times since my fall. They don’t always show up right away. I just wish I knew so I can plan my return to riding


Hunting for some internet advice on healing broken ribs, I found this statistical cluster:

For those 65 years of age and older, the risk of lung infection (pneumonia) increases by 27%, and the risk of death by 20%, with each additional rib that’s broken. That’s why it’s necessary to get medical help for new or concerning symptoms.

Good thing I’m only 64, or I’d be 100 percent dead with five broken ribs. :slight_smile:


Lol. Good thing!! Glad you’re still with us.

I can see how pneumonia can develop. I know I’m scared to cough.


I’ve got a connective tissue disease, ehlers danlos syndrome, and I have trouble with the soft tissue in my ribs. Currently dealing with a big flare up after coming down with bronchitis from all the coughing.

PT helps. I’ve been in PT for about 10 weeks and she did a big dose of dry needling Friday which I think helped a lot. I went from not being able to get out of bed to being maybe 50% functional. I have a friend that’s currently exercising Charlie between rides with my trainer though. Hopefully another week or so am I’ll be back in the saddle.

I have found Chirp wheels and foam rollers to be quite helpful. When I have had to cough, I lay on it and it helps keep everything in place better…or something. This is the 4th or 5th time now since 2014 and I feel for all of you that have to deal with something similar.


Oh man. I’m sorry you are dealing with that. It sounds terrible. I suppose there is no “cure”? 50% is a huge difference and hopefully it will continue to improve for you.

No cure! Most of the time, my back especially, is in some degree of spasm as it’s own way of keeping things where there should be. I’ve always weightlifted which is one of the best things you can do to help; my body still tries to “help” though. Many people with EDS dislocate joints extremely easily but it’s just my ribs for the most part for now.

Saturday morning I was barely able to get out of bed, and the impact from steps was awful. Thankfully that was short lived! Pony had a colic episode this afternoon so at least he picked NOT Saturday :woman_facepalming:t2:

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My ortho didn’t xray mine (I went in for a checkup on a shoulder injury after my fall happened), but he said since it didn’t seem like I’d punctured a lung or anything, there was no need for X-rays. If bruised, expect 6 weeks. If broken, probably 8. Took a solid 8 weeks. He also added that he broke some ribs playing hockey and then still competed in something like a half Ironman, so yeah I wasn’t getting any sympathy.

I already had experiencing taping myself because of the shoulder, so I just looked up how to tape the ribs, and that helped so much. I used to take the subway to work, and of course laying down and getting up was awful. As well as sneezing, laughing, etc. I had to skip a friend’s bachelorette because I could not imagine going and wanting to punch anyone who made me laugh! Taping helped a lot!


I was at a local Nutcracker performance last December, and the ballerina playing Clara popped a rib on one of the lifts. She was in absolute agony. The only reason I know this is that there was a doctor or chiropractor sitting behind me, and someone grabbed her during the intermission to have her put this poor woman back together. Evidently it was successful, and the rest of the ballet was great.

I had no idea that anything was wrong during the first act. That ballerina was truly a trouper.


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Ugh, that sounds awful!!!

Yes, I thought so too. I know how awful just bruising ribs can feel. I was in a rollover accident in 1978. My then-husband refused to wear a seatbelt, and we rolled four times. Some of my worst injuries were from his boots on my ribs. If I hadn’t been wearing a seatbelt, we would have both been ejected, I’m sure. I was the only thing holding the seat in when the bolts sheared. Fun times.


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OMG. That’s my worst fear. I hate driving anymore. Glad you’re still with us :heartpulse:


Thank you!


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@sami-joe. Just wondering how you were healing/feeling


Much, much better, thank you.
As of about a week ago, I can load the hay cart solo then go feed 50 horses, and have ridden (walk, trot & a smidge of canter) twice in the last four days. I suspect I’ll be wearing my jump vest for the foreseeable future. :-/
Weirdly, sitting trot felt way better than posting.
Still taking an NSAID at night. Stiffness and sleep are definitely the challenges.
How about you?


That’s great news. It is depressing to be out of commission.

I’m doing much better too. Riding ands doing daily activities at about 85% which is a huge improvement. It still hurts to lay flat, turn over in bed and reach up to grab things but I’ll take it! Lol. It still feels like I have a knot in my side but I can’t physically “feel” anything on the outside.

I’m glad we’re both not too broken.