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Introducing my rescue Saddlebred

Maybe I am not so creative, but if you’re not already attached to a naming theme (if you own other horses etc)

I like the idea of something 1960s related… I’d need to know his personality to give suggestions.

I knew a mustang named Dude’s Groovy - chestnut with flaxen that just LOOKED like a little beach bum who was literally bombproof.


Sanity is overrated :grin:
A fellow member in “common sense tells me this is not the decision I should be making”

(I am happy to report that common sense still has not gotten a word in edgewise, six-odd years later. Buy the horses that make you happy, and that you want to spend time around. If that’s the head you want to see looking at you from over the fence - it’s the right horse.)

For no especial reason, he seems like a Sully to me.


I think he looks like Mr. Pibb


No thoughts on a name: I’m sure one will come to you once you’ve been together for a bit.

As a Saddlebred enthusiast I predict you will be the envy of all the riders you meet out on the trails, and in the barn. :smiley:


I’m beginning to think I may have to wait til I have him in my possession to assess what he wants his name to be. His caretaker does a fantastic job of sending me regular photo/video updates but it’s not quite the same. That being said I love all the suggestions!

Y’all, I have not had a horse or ridden regularly in ten years. Not because I didn’t want to, my life just was not in a position to do so. This is my only horse, and I am going to devote all of my love and care into him. I’ve never had a Saddlebred either, hell, I’ve only ever seen one in person. I’ll be honest, I knew very little about them and what I did know was the stereotype “big lick” saddle seat variety. After buying him, I’ve been doing all sorts of research and I’m amazed after discovering how versatile the breed is that they are not more popular.


I saved one from Bowie about a year and a half ago on a whim and he’s happily living the life as someone’s companion. I don’t know what came over me that day, but I’m glad it did.


I keep thinking this horse should be called Lucky as he surely is fortunate. Just watching the Bowie auction on YouTube is heart breaking …Green Light/Red Light took a while to figure out just what was going on with a Red Light being sold as is buyer beware


Or Ginger Ale (Al)

Take on Clanter’s idea: Luke


Piffle :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Agree with @Edre - sanity is a killjoy.

I bought my 1st Driving horse (well, a mini) at age 66.
After perhaps a dozen Driving lessons some 5yrs before that.
& Though I’d been riding nearly 40yrs by then (insert a 20yr hiatus), Driving is DIFFERENT.

Enjoy your guy as much as I do.
& Post pics to show us :wink:
Like this:


You said you were going to “dabble” and I can’t get it out of my head that it may be a great name for him, Dabble. I’m excited to hear about your adventures with him as well.


I suggest the name “Atari” for him.

He looks like a whole lot of fun to play with.

He is already lovely, looking forward to seeing him blossom!


OH!! How about: “Hey Boo”

…and what a lovely lovely horse! He is beautiful.


Love it!

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A little update, after visiting six different barns I’ve finally found one that suits my needs. It’s a 162 acre, former TB racing farm complete with a half mile track. It has huge grassy pastures and is about a seven minute drive from my house. Most of the other places I saw had small sandy paddocks, too many horses, no shelter, only had stalls, too far away etc.
I’m very happy to find this place and the woman who owns it is great, we spent over two hours just talking and exploring the farm.

He will have been in quarantine a month as of the 18 and he will be here on the 20. It’s been feeling so long, y’all! I can’t wait to get him here and start working on his transformation. Here’s a photo from today of my thin, but very sweet boy.


Congrats! Here’s the Billboard Top 10 from 1960:

No. Title Artist(s)
1 “Theme from A Summer Place” Percy Faith
2 “He’ll Have to Go” Jim Reeves
3 “Cathy’s Clown” The Everly Brothers
4 “Running Bear” Johnny Preston
5 “Teen Angel” Mark Dinning
6 “I’m Sorry” Brenda Lee
7 “It’s Now or Never” Elvis Presley
8 “Handy Man” Jimmy Jones
9 “Stuck on You” Elvis Presley
10 “The Twist” Chubby Checker

Maybe Percy (#1), Everly (#3), Teeny (#5), Elvis (#7 & #9), or Twister or Chubby or Checkers (#10)?

Have fun!


He’s adorable! Love his markings and his sweet eye. Keep us updated!


Congratulations! He is beautiful and I’m excited to follow your story and hear what his name will be!


He got let loose into a real paddock yesterday. So happy, still a week to go before he’s to me. Can’t wait!


He looks good! And happy!


I hope you plan on doing a DNA test. That’s totally a Saddlebred. He’s looking so much better and much happier.