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Jingles for Evil Burrito: 10 years later, gimpy but good!

Aww jingles for your poor boy who, btw is seriously the cutest mini donk ever. I now want one.

Aww! Odie! He looks to be in need of a good snuggle… :frowning:

OP, did your vet put the hardening vettec putty on the sole and about an inch up each side of the cast? That will keep it from cracking.

And deep bed his stall with lots of shavings.


ETA: My vet said any cracks and we’d have to do it all over, so he put the vettec hardening putty “stuff” on the sole and about an inch up each side of the cast. Then he said if any shavings got into the cast, we were going to have to start over also. So I kept the elastikon tape on at the top of the cast, and I kept Hattie in about a foot of shavings for 3 weeks. It took our vet about 10 minutes to get that sucker off with his electric power cast cutter, LOL. And the cast was clean and still white. I guess your vet used the Delta Lite casting tape? It’s really good. ( Now the cast is being autographed by vets and staff at hospital, then later I’ll have it bronzed. )

C&C, he put it around the sole and up the sides, and around the leg to about, hmmm, an inch or so below where the elastikon (sp) ends, and padded underneath it as well. He gave me a lot of advice on protecting the cast, said I could get bicycle inner tube and cut little squares, wrap around the toe and tape on.

As an aside, I have made him a Gorilla Tape convert. When we initially treated for abscess, he needed duct tape and I said “here, use my Gorilla Tape.” And when he removed it two days later, he couldn’t cut through it and was having to saw away with bandage scissors.

I can’t bed with shavings because the BO doesn’t like shavings (fairly common up here). So I got pellets and am bedding with that, already soaked and broken down.

Also, I present to you all the most pitiful Evil Burrito picture ever.

He was waking up from getting his cast put on, and had the saddest little Eeyore face ever.[/QUOTE]


What a sad picture!:cry: Hoping for a quick and full recovery.

I’m so sorry to hear this! Jingling for a speedy recovery for the evil burrito!

Oh wait, I think it was equilox that the vet put on the outside of the cast on sole and on sides to keep it from cracking. Instead of vettec. I was just the assistant, so I need to look at my notes.

Anyhow, I hope he does well as a patient. Keeping them happy when on stall rest, and keeping the cast from getting cracked or from getting anything in it to irritate the skin are both difficult. Stump socks that are used for humans are good to use on dogs and horses under a cast.

it’s equilox, not equinox! D*** auto correct!

Ran out today before work to give him his Equioxx, which I can tell you must be some seriously nasty tasting stuff. Odie objected mightily and then made funny faces and rubbed his lips and mouth on the ground.

But good news, everything looks the same and he had sawdust all over one side, so he’s laying down. :slight_smile: Still not walking on the cast, but he’s resting it on the ground when he stands still.

He also came out and sampled the buffet :lol:.

OMG so cute-! -blithers incoherently-

He slays me! Sooo adorable. A mini donk is on my bucket list.

Oh my goodness that is the saddest and sweetest poor little Burrito I ever saw. Little Eyore- just tie a pink bow on his tail. I will be praying for him to be a good patient and deal with being laid up and heal well and fast. I’m so sorry.

Cutie!!! We have a mini donk at the barn with the same markings. Odie was clipped? I think that might make our guy look almost as cute!! (If I don’t steal him first and sneak him home!!).

Oh my. He is so squishable! And that photo on the ground… Ack.

Good vibes for a quick recovery and no-issues cast! He looks like he’s very well taken care of, and I just want to hug him.

Oh, good lord! You need to put a warning on that photo of Odie on the ground–I wanted to laugh and sniffle at the same time. Poor sweet baby. Jingles from my herd! Get well Odie, and keep us updated with more of those awesome photos, please.

The picture of Odie on the ground is very sad indeed! :cry: I was glad to see the one of him back on his feet, trying out “the buffet”. Jingles for all of you continue.


Cutie!!! We have a mini donk at the barn with the same markings. Odie was clipped? I think that might make our guy look almost as cute!! (If I don’t steal him first and sneak him home!!).[/QUOTE]

Oh yes, Odie gets clipped regularly, otherwise he turns into a giant, fluffy Odie, which is cute but a management nightmare. So he gets clipped in the spring and again in late summer. Actually, this year he got clipped three times: body in the spring, then with medicinal assistance body and legs in the summer, and then I just clipped his body again not that long ago. Hence the clipper lines… I wasn’t aiming for looks, just aiming for comfy donkey in 75* heat.

Oh he is just so adorable! Poor little man with broken bits but he’ll be fine…

Sending more jingles for your adorable Odie!!! Best wishes on a complete and speedy recovery!

He is beyond cute. Holy mini donk! best wishes. I sense there is a children’s book in this… Silly, playful, naughty donk gets hurt, wears a dumb, embarassing cast, tries to stay out of trouble and then heals to go play with his bestest friend, Rory again. His pics are priceless.