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Joint supps for dogs: What's doing a good job for your canine approaching a certain age?

I switched my 4 year old Mastiff x Cane Corso mix who had TPLO surgery (very successful) a year ago to Dasquin plus Welactin and I’ve seen a huge improvement over giving him Cosequin. It’s amazing what information you can gain from COTH :smiley:

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I second Fresh Factors. Good for cats as well. Makes a difference in my 10 yr old cat (barn cat turned house cat, played rough with squirrels in her younger days)

Springtime also makes another product for joints, Joint Health, and looks like they’ve added a third,

Joint Health OA + for Dogs

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Another vote for Dasuquin. Our 13 year old Beagle/Shepherd mix ruptured her right CCL in October and was hopping around on 3 legs. Vets gave grim prognosis without surgery. I talked to the tech about supplements and she recommended Dasuquin Advanced. Old girl is now walking on all 4. There is still a slight limp but transformation has been amazing.


Adding another thanks. I took the leap and switched my Corgi with some post Lyme arthritis from Cosequin to Dasquin. Big improvement after about 6 weeks. He needed an NSAID after heavy activity about once a week for the last year and hadn’t had one in weeks despite being substantially more active. Thank you!

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Glad your pup is feeling better :slight_smile: