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Keeping My Western Hat from Falling Off

If yer hat falls off, it ain’t yer hat.


:laughing: I’m going to borrow this, thank you very much!

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Maybe. But when you show outside and it’s windy as heck, sometimes it feels like your whole head is going to get blown off your body. :wink:

I would use the little piece of foam with the sticky backside and put one under the sweatband on the sides or back, where ever it is loose.

I don’t use the foam but I do use a piece of duct tape on the front part of the sweat band that hits my forehead, it rarely ever fails.

I know this will make me instantly popular…

Why not wear a helmet? If you land on your head, you’re less likely to get a TBI.
Just Sayin’


Yet you still felt the need to say it.
“Just sayin”.


toupe tape on the forhead, bobby pins for the back