Kenlyn Arabians -- rumors/issues/reputation?

Hey everyone,

I’m just getting interested again in endurance, which is always what I’ve wanted to do eventually but I’ve never had quite the right horse or the transportation to get there. I may have solved both problems at least for now, yay! I’m in the Denver area and it looks like Kenlyn Arabians is one of the more active endurance barns around here, but I dimly recollect they were involved in something shady a while back – however I could be thinking of someone else, and I can’t find any specifics via Google.

Could anyone who has information good or bad on Kenlyn, please PM me or post here?

Also, if there happens to be someone in the mountain states region lurking here who just happens to have two endurance horses and needs a riding buddy to compete with them in CTR/Endurance/LD this year, I would love to experience a ride on a trained horse before I try it with the mare who was completely green (never even saddled!) at 9… :slight_smile: Can’t hurt to throw that out there for the Universe right?

I would recommend going to the NATRC & AERC region websites & sending out an email regarding your ‘wish list’. Ditto the above on facebook. Be honest about your riding skills.

Also go to a beginners clinic to audit & shamelessly look for a horse to ride.

I am new to CTR & have found both the NATRC & AERC people to be especially generous of their knowledge & horses.

Spending some time with these horseman is a free education & you can see if it is the sport for you before investing in it.

These tips all worked for me.

Good Luck!