L5-S1 fusion...

Hi there, I’m new to this site. I just had a spinal fusion 11days ago, and I too love horses. I have two. I also have other health issues , won’t go into those right now. I am happy to hear positive stories about riding after fusion. I have been depressed for having the surgery. I think I could have waited as recently the pain was not as severe. But I was diagnosed with spondylothesis, grade 1 and it could get worse and the pain more severe. I had L4-L5 fused.

Please help with encouraging results!

I had my 3 month checkup last night.

I am laying down bone well along the rods, and even a bit in the middle of the cage, which he said is the last to fill in. I am getting a new smaller brace this week, and in another month, I won’t have to sleep in it. I have another check in 2 months, at the 5 month mark, and he said I will be out of the brace then - a month earlier than originally planned, woo hoo!!! He’s not making me do PT as I am getting along fabulously and don’t really need it - plus, I’ve done it already years back, so I know how to lift and such.

Good luck to you all!

Great updates! Still pluggin’ along here…

I had fusion as a result of traumatic spondylolisthesis 60% slip at l5-s1. I was told be off a horse for a year riiiight. Going into last year of eligibility for young riders riiiight. Didn’t tell my doc but was back in the saddle in 3 months. When I felt ready I went back. My doc asked me at nine month check " how long have you been back riding ?". I turned bright red but was honest and told him 6 months but the first three riding very dependable schoolmasters and my young very talented but very squirrly mare ridden by someone else. I was cautious but I am more comfy on a horse than on my own two feet. I am now almost 13 years post and done excellent. I no longer ride jumpers due to the increased wrong fall risk but have fallen in love with dressage and people would never know unless they saw my scars. I do remember waking up post surgery going “if I knew I would feel like this I would never let them touch me”…I knew though to have a shot at riding again competitively if at all I had to. My difference I was 18, in great shape, and it was traumatic due to a riding accident, not degenerative issues like most older people. I wish you all the best !

Yeah, my spony was degenerative aggravated by a motorcycle wreck. 80%+ slip L5/S1. Asked for permission to do a 25 mile endurance ride at 3 months. Was told absolutely not. :wink: We all progress differently. I’m 7 months post-op and feel great, having just done my first 25 mile ride since the surg. Hang in there Lunabelle! It gets better!

Haha. I didn’t ask permission. I just did it and asked forgiveness later ! Don’t recommend doing that. I know I could have undone everything but after the 3 month x ray and him saying looks awesome. That was all the encouragement I needed !