Labral tear? (Cartilage tear in the hip)

That power point presentation link for Western Ortho was very informative, Thank you.
It sounds like the doc has done a lot of those procedures with a good success rate; use of cadaver tissue was new info for me & it sounds very innovative.
The recovery period looks tough, though.

Dr. Kostas Economopoulos in Phoenix, AZ[/QUOTE]

Alright, I took a little closer look at this guy, and I wanted to bring this to attention in case you were looking for someone to check out your hip, RFR:

I found this pretty concerning:

He spend Jan - June of this year in a fellowship on hip arthroscopy. That’s his only time spent specializing on hips. That’s awfully recent.

Granted, he’s also spent some time in a sports medicine fellowship, but overall, I’d call him lean on experience with labral tear repair.

He’s also not published anything about labral tears. His focus seems to be more focused on hernias.

RFR, I’d look further for someone to check out your hip problems (if you were even targeting this guy for that.)

Labral tears happen somewhat often in the hockey community. I’ve known a few guys who had the surgery, did the long road on rehab, and are back playing at the same level. Best of luck to you, hope everything goes well.

Slightly sad update here: my rides last Sunday made it pretty clear that I need to stay off the horses until after this is all done. I rode Seven (my three year old. Her fifth ride and first time cantering! She’s so awesome) and Dove and walking and sitting are incredibly painful yesterday and today. Even on the big gun pain drugs.

Saw my doc today who injected the bursa and offered systemic steroids to really calm down all of the inflammation. Trying to go with just the injection, but holy hell, it HURTS.

This sucks :frowning:

if you can get hold of a TENS unit, it helps.

put the 'trodes on either side of the big ligament at the front of the hip, or on the butt if that is where your pain is.

if in the front, getting a zap to the femoral nerve works wonders!!!

Surgery is Monday! Rode three horses today, just because. Figure I’m due, considering that my doc wants me off for several months.

good luck!!!

Well, still in the hospital, but can’t sleep. Figured I’d update. On my phone, so excuse any typos.

Surgery lasted roughly the four expected hours. My labrum was badly torn and detached, so the surgeon created a new one out of cadaver cartilage. I have some pretty cool pictures that I’ll post when I can, and the doctor even videoed surgery for me. Honestly, it’s good to know it was so bad, because that really explains my pain.

I was worried about the pain, but this doctor is serious about pain management. I was given an epidural block before surgery, but it was worn off by the time I woke up. Dauladid was also infused in the spinal. Pre surgery I was given celebrex, Tylenol, lyrica and muscle relaxant. Now I am on a dauladid pain pump, oxycontin, gabapentin and valium (as a muscle relaxant.) I also have a game ready medicine for icing, which really helps a lot, too.
I have a passive continuous motion machine that moves so slowly I can’t really feel it. I am not allowed out of bed and have a catheter (tmi?) I also have this really annoying co2 monitor built into my oxygen nose prongs dealies that beeps if it senses too little co2. I find it way too sensitive and have to concentrate on breathing evenly entirely too much.

The pain was bad waking up after surgery, but the dauladid as as needed then, administered by a nurse so it was at least under control (if still painful!) early on. Right out of surgery was 8-9, got down to 6-7. Moving up the the floor and getting the game ready set up brought it down to a solid 6. Right now, with oxycontin on board, and dauladid on board, I’m “comfortable” as long as I don’t try to shift or move at all. In fact, right now a cramp in my back under my left shoulder blade is more bothersome. The game ready is also making me pretty damned cold.

I get discharged tomorrow afternoon and go home with the game ready and the cpm. I think the physical therapists are coming in the morning to get me up. Looking forward to going home but not really to the walking bit just yet.

Piece of info for anyone facing this surgery. Several insurance companies are refusing to pay for pieces that are “uncoded”…pieces of the procedure that are specific to labral tear repair. Expect to pay a few thousand to 10k plus (depending on where your doctor caps this, or if he does at all.) This doesn’t count toward your out of pocket max but I think you can use fsa dollars.

Oh, with regard to riding. My doc told me at block 5-6 months out of my calendar to rehab when I saw him prior to surgery. I don’t know how the replacement versus repair changes that, if at all. Any cool ideas for spending 6 months off my horses?

Stay ahead of the pain with the meds. I have a heating pad that I put on the lowest setting, which kept me warm even though I slept with the cold therapy cuff on my shoulder (I assume that’s what the game ready thing is). It kept me warm and helped me sleep. I still use it when the weather cools down.

I have no suggestions for the horses except that I hope they are like mine. He had four months off when I did, but forgot nothing and the first ride post-surgery was like the last ride pre-surgery, except he was fatter.

Good luck with your recovery. :slight_smile:

Oh, believe me, I’m no hero when it comes to pain. I take my drugs on schedule, even if that means setting an alarm and waking up in the middle of the night. The oxycontin should also help, since it’s long acting.

I’ll snag a heating pad (or even a blanket, maybe) to help with the chills. It’s like I’m sitting in a bucket of ice water right now!

Glad that the surgery went well, although the insurance not paying might well be worth disputing through your state insurance commission. While I agree that you need to keep the pain under control, don’t keep it so far under control that you become addicted. Some of the meds that you are getting really are highly addictive.

I’d suggest getting a heated mattress pad for your bed. It helps tremendously with muscle spasms and aches and pains at night that can keep you from sleeping.

One benefit is that you will probably own the Game Ready and possibly the passive motion machine when you take them home. That’s good for treating both future human AND horse injury. All you’ll have to buy is the right attachment for the future injured joint. :slight_smile:

Gotta look on the bright side because the next few months are going to be very difficult for you one suspects. Still, you’ll have lots of time to study horses and pedigrees and history and . . .

I wish I got to keep the game ready! Its a two week rental…I do have to give it back. I love it though and it may go on the ever expanding list of things to buy when Mr simkie gets his new job.

The pain is better today and I feel much more mobile. Yesterday was pretty bad at home and I’d wondered if I’d made a mistake by coming home too early.

Any books you’d suggest, viney? When are you going to put your vast knowledge down on paper? I’d love to read that!

Okay, photos of the inside of my hip should be here:

The labrum was torn and hypertrophic. There are seven anchors holding in the new one (which is apparently quite a lot.)

Update after being home for a couple days. the pain is improving although still pretty significant… the game ready is still my best friend. Had my first pt appointment yesterday.

Overall, slow and steady. This will be a long rehab, but it should be curative…

Video! (And better pictures)

Really sort of freaky.

Update after being home for a couple days. the pain is improving although still pretty significant… the game ready is still my best friend. Had my first pt appointment yesterday.

Overall, slow and steady. This will be a long rehab, but it should be curative…[/QUOTE]

Well, if Lady Gaga can recover from labral tear surgery, I guess you can too. :slight_smile: I hope everything is going well. The T in PT seems to stand for “torture” at times, but hang in there. You’ll be so glad you got fixed!

Ha. PT is soooooo basic right now. It’s all about gentle stretching and reducing the guarding at the front of the hip. It’s not great fun, but it’s not yet the “torture” I expect later.

Pain is improving but still very present.

I am going crazy with all this lying about!

One week. Today feels like turning point for pain. Doctor likely knew that, as it’s also last day of oxycontin. Still icing a ton with the Game Ready and being very, very careful. Trying to be a good patient!

Continuing to get better. Bored out of my mind. Pain med level is the same as pre surgery–pain is different, though, and feels far more related to the surgery instead of the same old same old.

In all, good news, good progress. I am working on being a star pupil at PT :slight_smile:

I am going to my pain Dr on Friday and will ask if he thinks there is any chance this is what my problem is too.