Lake Placid

LP just put out their updated time schedules. They also added an itty bitty .65m division. Wow. Plus, they added two .85m schooling jumper classes early in the week. This gives me a shot at moving up to the 1-1.05m classes for the weekend and second week. I am so pleased with these changes; hopefully I am not the only one who feels a bit more supported and set up for success. I really hope these changes are positive for the show overall.


Lake Placid week one in the books. It’s a verrrry different show this year. It’s a kinder, gentler LP for folks like me, but I’m sure that’s a tough pill to swallow for the traditionalists.

The .85s were consistently the biggest division all week. We got a good amount of rain during the week, so they made the decision not to jump on the grass field yesterday and combined the hunter rings for the Grand Prix and bigger classics. It actually was a great solution and looked fantastic! But there were only 15 entries in the GP. :slightly_frowning_face:

Weather looks better this week, so it’ll be interesting to see what they do next Sunday. This is definitely a rough year for them. I’ve tried to tell anyone I see in management or on the board how much I appreciate the changes, but as an absolute nobody in this sport I’m not sure how meaningful my opinion is. :woman_shrugging:

I’m having a blast with my girl; she’s been a rockstar jumping around and handling the big atmosphere like a pro. Here she is jumping around the meters. We’re going back next week for more. :heart_eyes:


Everybody is always glad to hear compliments from any direction. Good luck this week!


Have heard rumors that they will change the grass field to an all-weather ring for next year provided they think the show will run. Entries down about 50% apparently.

I would assume that’s the way forward as well if they think the show is viable. It will be controversial since the town owns the property - not to mention locals who drive by the 50 other weeks out of the year and are used to seeing a nice grass field, rather than a ‘dirt lot.’ I can’t imagine how complicated things are behind the scenes.

There was a riders meeting on Saturday where they went over the plans for the show going forward. Sounds very exciting! Permanent barns, new GP stadium where the hunter rings are now, 2 bigger hunter rings on the existing field with a berm between them, jumper 2 becomes bigger/ a conventional shape, warm up rings that make sense, designated manure areas, and (my personal favorite) a separate entrance/ exit for emergency vehicles at the existing blue house. Supposedly demo begins Sept 1 and will be ready for next years show. Oh, and they’re capping entries at 1,200 stalls.

It was also nice to watch my favorite junior rider Mia Bagnato dominate Sunday. She won the medium classic, 1st and 2nd in the high classic and 2nd in the GP to Laura Chapot. It was quite bittersweet to see LC win the final GP on the grass field.


Yes! I was at the meeting too and it was super heartening to hear that they’re going all in on revitalizing this show. I remain a little skeptical that just the facility upgrades will be enough to bring people back, but having the state grant and muni bond will let them do that work while they consider other things like FEI, prize money, and schedules/class offerings.

I had a great time this year. There were some minor things that drove me nuts that a show of that caliber should have on lockdown, but it really sounds like the board is aware and in full-on fix it mode.


Whoa. That’s a lot of change.

Is there a press release out anywhere?

No. Which is solidly in the “things that drive me nuts” category. They were going to try to have something for trainers to take home with them at check out to help spread the word, but as of yesterday morning when I checked out it wasn’t available.

Interesting, thanks.

To be fair, they said this plan has really only come together in the last 10 days or so. They clearly felt the pressure to address the rumors and reassure those of us who made the effort to come this year. But their PR, social media, website, etc. are all woefully lacking, which was brought up by people in the room on Saturday. I don’t think it was high on the board’s priority list, but it should definitely be now based on discussions.

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I did think it was interesting that the winning horse in the Grand Prix is one year older than the rider who finished second.


Mia was third in the GP last year, if I remember correctly. And Laura had a bit of an off year at LP last year, so it was good to see her take the last win on the turf. They are both so fun to watch. Mia is such a great up and comer and she seems like a genuinely nice kid.

She looked the part yesterday, for sure. Who is her trainer, I wonder?



Pretty sure she’s with Jordan Coyle. She’s always tagging and thanking Elan Farm in her social media posts.

That would make sense.

Yes, she rides with Jordan. I find the resemblance in their loose, natural riding uncanny.

Heard they really upped their game with the jump fillers!


Oh! The other important thing they said is that USEF has guaranteed that Saugerties will not run over the top of LP next year, and that they are trying to find a JHF date in June so that conflict will go away as well. That seems like a MAJOR roadblock removal to getting people back.


That would be a big one.