Lame Horse for months Vet Care and possibly putting the horse down update wrong diagnosis

Wow, i didn’t have a rehab program. I really appreciate you chipping in with your thoughts. I was told to keep Princess in 24 hrs in stall, which I did. On the second day, I let her in the indoor arena all day, after taking her bandage off, and put her back in the stall that night. On the 3rd day, we turned her out on a very small run outside adjoined to her stall with a door next door and access to the indoor where she like to stand. My husband let her out before I awoke and reported to me that she was running crazy and bucking around in that small area, and he put her back in the indoor as soon as he saw this, and i told him he did the right thing. Later on, we let her out again, still on the 3rd day. i can tell you I have never seen the mare bucking in the paddock before. I was told not to ride her for 7 days. It is now 7 days. She is still lame with a limp at walk. I did manage to film her walking around in the paddock today, which i made 2x bigger yesterday, but it is still fairly small. should I walk under saddle? I hand walked her for 5 minutes or so yesterday for the first time.

Thank you for the information

If she’s noticeably lame at the walk, then maybe hand walk instead of getting on, and see if there’s any improvement.

With mine it takes about 2.5 weeks to really feel a change, although again mine isn’t lame like yours - just stiff with arthritis. So give it some time. Noltrex isn’t fast-acting like steroids.

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Solarflare, i have an update please take a look … UPDATE 5/25/24. I took my mare out and we filmed her. So to see what she was like prior to the treatments, I have a couple of older videos from early may called ‘‘very lame horse’’. I also did a DIY lameness exam for my own amusement on May 4, prior to the noltrex treatment and prior to bringing her to the vet clinic. This is at And before anyone says I am too fat, I know it, and i have been dieting, and now fit in all size m size 14 pants now. I am still dieting. So we took a new video this AM which is 8 days after the Noltrex injection into the left fetlock.

I updated my original post with an update and have some links to older films prior to noltrex and one this AM.

I’m not as familiar with Noltrex as I am with some of the other hydrogels, but it’s likely still too early to see results. I believe it’s after approximately 14 days, when the first improvements can be seen.