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Lateral approach for hip replacement. Experiences?

Unfortunately I am in the need of a total hip replacement. I have arthritis, trochanter bursitis and a cartilage tears. I was hoping for the anterior approach but the surgeon recommended lateral approach to remove the trochanter bursa and clean up the cartilage. Anyone had this? Worried!!!

This might be helpful - I had a total hip replacement in May, anterior approach. Lots of good responses on my thread! Best of luck!

Hi! Thank you for your response. I’m looking for people who had the lateral approach that my surgeon because of the trochanter bursa removal aspect

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Ah, okay - with luck you’ll find someone (here) to address this specific experience!

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

My HR was a lateral approach called Super Path. It was pretty easy but my surgery was strictly hip replacement. I am confused on what cartilage he is “repairing”. The total joint usually takes care of that. Do you mean tendon or ligament tears? I know my surgeon said my labrum was shredded but that was all cleaned out to prep for the artificial joint.

I was back on my horse in 4 1/2 weeks. If you have other things repaired especially tendo or ligament, recovery will likely be longer.


My husband has had two, both on the same hip! He also had his other one done with the anterior approach. Recovery seemed about the same.

The second surgery on the same hip was due to a faulty prosthesis.

Thank you

Good to know!