What kinda lesson are we even doing? A lesson? For horse or rider? Both? It can end up very much being both in most cases.
Look, I don’t know your horse like I know mine. What do you want out of this? Is your horse even suitable? Do you even KNOW what I am asking and is your horse even able to do it? Do you want riding lessons or training rides? Those are 2 very, very different things.
There are variables in every program, but overall I would charge more or at least the same for RIDING lessons on your own horse vs my school horse. Yep, you would pay more to drag your own horse into my house and ride in my lesson. Look, how many times have owners been late with their own horses? More late arrivals and just cancellations, in general, just to offer this and do it. It’s just due every dang thing that it takes to get to your own dang place, load your own dang beast, and travel to my own freaking place AND being ready to freaking ride ON TIME. I want to quit haul-ins almost every lesson, no joke.
Not to mention the terrible trailer drivers and that have dinged my barns, my fences, my trailer boarders trailers, etc, as they haul in.
Yes, and also sometimes those haul-is horses are also SICK. Disease exposure is real. If my barn didn’t get the latest virus at closest the big competition center or the other places they went this weekend, then the haul-ins rubbing noses with mine probably did. More is not better. Just more risk.