Let's Meet!

OK, my turn.

My name is Pat (duh) and I live in East Rutherford, NJ. Not a particularly horsy locale, but it was handy when I worked in NYC. I’m 28 and live with my equally horsey boyfriend, Mike. He lets me share his 2 TB’s with him, Lucky (Nonchalant) and Beamer. Mike is Columbia University’s Intercolligiate coach. Mike hauls horses on the side, keep us in mind if you ever need a lift to a show.

Right now I work part time at a tack shop and part time teaching mostly up-downers at Vicki’s old place, Montclair Riding Academy. (old Suburban Essex) Ooohh Vicki, I do hope you took better care of it when it was yours, can you say eeewwww? Their money is still green so I deal with it. What I want is my own barn, but that’s a little out of my wallet’s reach. I’m trying to come up with the funds to start a little sales operation, just a handful of horses, nothing more than one person can handle alone.

Anyway, I have a BA in Horsemanship from Virginia Intermont College, '93. Sometimes I feel like there isn’t anybody I HAVEN’T worked for since graduation. But the most notable places I’ve worked at are Ri-Arm and Chelsea Equestrian Center. (now there’s a hostile working environment.

I’m kind of the gutless wonder, so I don’t show much. I’ve done a little dressage, but the hunters and jumpers are more my thing. One of these days I’ll get the hang of Lucky and do the jumpers with him.

Oh, and I have a rabbit named Buster, and one fish, a pleco named Slurp. Slurp is nearly 7 years old! I must have some kind of mutant fishy or it could just be the NJ water.

[This message has been edited by Pat (edited 01-15-2000).]

Hi, I am Danielle. I am 14 and I am from Ohio…
I show in the Small Juniors at A shows with my horse, her name is Simplicity aka Gloria. We imported Gloria from France at the begining of this year.
My sisters also ride. My littlest sister owns a small pony named Beanie Baby and is riding the small pony Zoey untill she sells. My other sister has a med pony named Longacre Hats Off. “Sparky” still has his green year but we are waiting to break it untill next year - he is going to kick serious butt.

Wow Ponykid we are a lot alike. I’m from Florida, just turned 15, I have a junior/children’s horse(depends on how my eye is faring) and a large green pony. what state are you

Hi, been away from my computer and I come back to find all this plus little faces and folders on fire!
My name is Melissa, I’m 24 years old and live in Waterford, NJ. I’m a Editor/Analyst for a biological abstracting company in Philadelphia. I started riding when I was 9, and did the whole junior thing. Pony hunter, Junior hunter, Eq., Junior Jumper. I went to Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA. I rode on the equestrian team my first year, went to Nationals, and then got more into the “college life”!! My husband is a pro. and runs our farm. I’m hoping to be doing the A/O’s jumpers soon, but my prospect is only 3 so I have a few years to go!
I forgot to add we have two rottweilers, Axl and Kaya, two guinea hens, and fish.

[This message has been edited by Philly (edited 01-17-2000).]

Read this! http://www.chronofhorse.com/features/99/huntroster/cooky.html

Hi odin11, as Ben & Me says, I’m definately a dressagy type, also definately non-DQ too! Though I don’t jump, I love to watch and will admit to a secret desire to try it sometime. Maybe my next horse! I think you’ll like it here, nice people and real ideas!

What a great idea!

I will only confess to 35, but am really 38, and working in advertising for a business newspaper, which I love.

Started doing the hunter thing when I was about 8 and lessoned with Bob McDonald when he was still in Southern California at the old Hillsview Saddle Club. Did a double BA in Journalism and Georgraphy at Cal State Long Beach, did some adult classes while in college and then took about seven years off from riding.

Now have a fat, spoiled Hannoverian who is having a real hissy fit about going back into training, and I am still left a-twitter every time I get back in the saddle after a stupid riding accident sans helmet (see the Vanity Thy Name Is Accident post or whatever that thread is called). But the horse and I are madly in love, which is good because I dumped the recurring boyfriend again because he was jealous of the horse.

We are thinking of adding to our family in September by adopting a Premarin foal. If anyone has adopted one, or knows someone who has, please let me know at coreene@yahoo.com.


I just had to say “Wow!” I really admire someone that has the determination that you do to continue to ride & enjoy horses after such a terrible accident! I wish you the best of luck in your riding! SUZ

Okay, I’ll play.
Also started out riding Saddlebreds, moved to the h/j’s as soon as a I saw my first jumper - I was about 10. Took the usual time off to chase boys, drive cars and go to college. Bought my 16.3h, TB, G exactly 3 years ago. Started him in the 3’6"'s and then found eventing.
My gelding is 18, so he will continue to be ridden at Novice and Training for as long as he is sound and happy. I am looking for a horse to do my first CCI*.

I am 31, live in Chicago have a Siberian Huskie, Nanook and a husband who plays a lot of golf and thinks he wants children some time soon. (Ben-want to be adopted?) I am a commercial real estate lender with a boss that understands my “much more than a hobby” hobby. My hair turned gray in my early 20’s.

Love this board and the opinions expressed.

I just wanted to say that I completely understand your rational for continuing to ride. One of my good friends has been paralyzed and in a wheel chair for several years due to a golf cart accident. She has 2 lovely Quarter Horses that she rides everyday. She rides Western Pleasure and trail rides. I can’t even imagine her without her horses. She grooms them entirely by herself and her husband helps her tack up, mount and dismount. She is one of the best riders/ horsemen that I have met in a long time. You are not alone. Best of luck with your riding.

i’m relatively new to this board, too. i discovered it when i had some free time at christmas, and have become addicted to it, i must say. luckily i work in computers (i produce web sites for a public television show) so it’s easy for me to check in. One of my favorite things about this board (and about riding, too, more generally) is that it joins together people of all different ages. I’m 31, and love hanging out with the juniors at my barn (and i learn stuff from their mothers, too). I ride at a hunter jumper barn near boston, with the same trainer i had when i was a kid. I took quite a few years off (btw 16 and 28) but have gotten completely back into it. Unfortunately, my job prevents me from having a horse full time during the year, but for the past 2 years i’ve done short term leases on a two sweet warmbloods. spent the first summer back at 2’6"; ;last summer doing some adult hunters, and i’m hoping to do some low jumpers on a horse at my barn this coming summer. I ride 4 days a week on a good week, on all sorts of horses, from problem school horses to some very fancy show horses that need hacking for their owners.

oh, and i’m single, too, and appreciate the tip about polo!

and to portia-- i went to law school, too, but couldn’t hack the corporate scene. i admire you for sticking it out. sometimes i regret giving it up; i might be able to afford a nice horse by now…

anyway–this is probably more than you all wanted to know, but i’m enjoying everyone’s thoughts.


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Well, if everyone else is fessing up…

Nearly 48 years ago (I’m proudly celebrating that landmark on the day we arrive at the WEF - apropos or what!), a daughter was born to two lovely but completely non-horsey city dwelling parents. Like some weird changeling child, my folks had no idea how they could have had a kid who was totally horse crazy. It certainly wasn’t in the genes for me to choose this sport…I’m barely 4’10" and “solidly” built. But nevertheless, from the time I was in fourth grade I found a way to ride. My daughter loves the “Abe Lincolnesque” style story of how each week I would walk miles to get to a publc barn in Brooklyn to rent a horse. As I got older, I was able to convince my folks to send me to “riding camps” in the summer as well. My folks were never really involved in this area of my life. In fact I think my mother made it to 3 horse shows in my life (just before my mother passed away she was still telling people riding was a phase I was going through…I’d been riding for 18 years at that point!). But to my folks credit they did support my addiction and finally at 16, after years of catch riding anything that was offered to me, I got my first horse. I did the Junior Hunters/Jumpers and the big equitation. In fact I may hold some kind of record for number of 2nds in the Medal and Maclay!

But I loved trying everything with horses and so after I got out of juniors my horsey career got really…“eclectic”! I evented in college, then moved out west for graduate school where I rode saddle seat - park horses. In fact I had an Appy that won the State Ch. in Park beating all the saddlebreds, morgans and arabs. I rode arabs and had two Top 10 finishes in Western Pleasure. Then I moved on to Quarter Horses, doing Reining, Working Cow Horse and Cutting.

Then comes a LOOOONNG break when I was heavily involved in my careeer and decided horses were just too expensive. I got back into one of my first loves, showing and breeding dogs. As a kid, before I got my horse, I showed dogs. During this phase of my life I became a fairly well known breeder/exhibitor and an AKC judge and discovered it was just as pricey to be really competitive in dogs as horses.

Fast forward to the birth of my daughter. My husband says I conditioned her from the womb to love horses. Okay…I’m not quite Skinner but there may be some truth to that. I started her with a really good trainer when she was 7 and made sure I gave her “all the advantages I never had” along the way in terms of consistently good coaches and quality equipment - although I drew the line at push button “packer ponies” who cost the same as a college education. She’s pretty much had to make all the ponies she’s had with adult support and supervision. My daughter at 13 is a better rider than I ever was/will be and I take a lot of pleasure in her accomplishments. Like the best broodmare, I’ve produced better than myself! Plus, I’ve managed to “breed” what most pony breeders wish for - a full time “pony jockey” who’s never going to outgrow the division! In fact, George Morris has recently taken her on as a student and will be working with her and her pony jumpers at West Palm (and NO we are NOT made of money and YES, he is a wonderful, insightful coach who is as quick to praise and support her as he is to correct her - so NO GEORGE BASHING AROUND ME!!) .

I used to tell people that my goal was to move to New England and raise ponies and I’m pretty close to achieving that dream. While I still work in Arts Administration, I have a whole mess of ponies, prospects and keepers, who my daughter and I train and show. We have a mother/daughter business locating hairy, scruffy beasts from small farms and breeders and turning them into A circuit show ponies. I’ve even finally bred my own pony who I hope to take to Devon on the line this year.

As for personal facts…have a terrific non-horsey husband who’s an actor/director, 5 dogs, a cat, 2 guinea pigs, 2 ferrets, 5 ponies and a Hanoverian.

So the moral of all this… I don’t know! I’m still in the middle of the story!!

Hi! My name is Zetra (like zebra with a T) and I am 38 years old. I live in Florida, but am planning to relocate to Virginia this summer to go to Court Reporting school in Springfield.

I have loved horses all my life and 10 years ago my ex-husband bought me my wonderful American Quarter Horse, K.C. aka Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Of course, my ex-husband did not understand the horse thing and asked me to choose between him and my horse. Oh, well… I still have my horse! I am into combined training and do eventing, although I have not shown in a year. I love dressage (no better foundation for any kind of riding!) and jumping is still a rush!

My other animals: Cocker spaniel/Hana, calico kitty/Katee, rabbit/Rumple, 2 guinea pigs/Tassel and Dolly, rat/Brie, mouse/Samson, cockatiel/Tango and 2 corn snakes/Romeo and Juliet. (I think that’s all of them!) Is it any wonder my e-mail is zeezoousa? Ponykid, thanks for a great idea!

Hi, I have only posted here once before (under the name Fedora), but have been hiding & only reading for a while. My name is Jodie, & I’m 15. I live in south Jersey & I am a Sophomore in high school. I show my horse Fedora in the Small Junior Hunters in Zone 2. We mostly do PA & NJ shows. Dora & I finished a successful 1999 year in the Children’s Hunter Horse & ended up Champion in Zone 2. I don’t do much outside of riding, since it takes up so much time. I play the flute in my school’s Concert band. This will be my last year b/c I am taking Behavioral Science in my Junior year instead. I do plan to practice at home. I also play the piccolo, & have taught myself to play the piano & Irish tin whistle. My favorite subject in school is Biology. At this point, I plan to become a forensic scientist (we’ll see, hehe). If not, I want to stay with science & maybe become a high school science teacher- Biology (maybe earth science or physical science), or go into the FBI. That would be cool, but for investigating crimes. I probably ride as an adult. Just depends, we’ll see when the time comes. I would like to become a judge though. I have 6 dogs, 2 cats, 1 guinea pig, 1 horse, 1 mini-donkey, & 2 ponies (aren’t actually mine). And yes, they all live at my house.

Oh my word - what fun! I’ve just spent a while reading everybody’s post…
TBLover - I taught at Babylon for a while (late 60s); and in earlier 60s, was a Jr. Counsellor at Equitation Lodge, which at that time was owned by Thomas School; and was the TB breeder you worked for by any chance Tom Martin?

HunterH & Louise - a million years ago, I worked for a ROC H/J barn - not one of the two you mentioned, neither of which was around - this one is closer to the thruway

Betsy Fox - you must know friends of mine - Paul & Barbara Wicks…

Pat - does that barn in Leonia still operate? I was born in Montclair - but never rode there. I’m the videographer for IHSA Nationals - will any of the Columbia U. team be going to ATL?

Salsalito - I don’t know if you have transportation - but a TERRIFIC opportunity to meet all the H/J minded collegians would be IHSA Nationals, which will be in ATL (Conyers - GIHP) May 12 - 14, if you can get there.

Skiis - have a wonderful time in Ireland. I did (back in '69)

Shiloh - I am right there with you re: not doing what you “intended” to do… BS in Educ/Humanities/Social Sciences - now a secretary (but it gives me the benefits and the time to run my own videography business - horse shows, of course!)

Hey Pat … I always wondered about the Chelse Equestrian Center… so what was the lowdown on it? I was always so concerned with the horses being holed up in NYC and all…

OK–here goes.
I’m 48 (aarrgh), was a horse-crazy kid who never had much opportunity to do anything about it. Out of college a year, working nights for a newspaper, I found myself crying in front of a soap opera. It was before the expression “get a life” came in vogue, but that’s what I decided to do. Had always wanted to take formal riding lessons and called to a local hunter-jumper stable (not that I knew what that was at the time) and started taking lessons. Bought my first horse a year later.
By the time I got married 10 years ago, I owned two horses. By the time my husband and I moved out to the country 6 years ago, we had three. Now we have 5 (including two daughters and a granddaughter – born last Memorial Day – of a mare that I bought 18 years ago).
My husband has started riding – we bought him a horse not long after moving to the country. And after I twisted his arm to get him in the competition field, he decided he likes it so much that he’ll leave me behind to go to a show if I’m not ready. (Of course, I’ll do the same to him, although we enjoy going together.)
Although I still keep a toe in the hunter world, we both do combined training.
We also have two dogs – a toy poodle who is our child, and a labrador, who’s very much a dog – and (at the moment) six cats – three house cats, one occasional house cat and two barn cats. Plus nine (also at the moment) head of black angus cattle, three guinea fowl, and some goldfish and catfish.
We are both in the newspaper business – he a reporter; me an editor. And we never have enough time at home. And, no, just because your horses are at home doesn’t mean you always have time to ride them. But we love looking out the window at our horses.
It’s nice to meet all of you. And, ponykid, I’ve been very impressed with your comments. As I said before – good spelling. Also, good grammar.

KC – Friends of ours married on horseback a few years ago. The JP sat in a horse-drawn carriage. Most of the guests were on horseback. This was a 4th wedding for her; 2nd for him. So casual was the key word here.
I say go for it. I had my wedding photo taken with my mare (now deceased, but I have two daughters and a granddaughter). And my husband and I left our wedding reception in a horse-drawn carriage.

lucien–if you email me privately i’d be happy to talk to you about my trainer and barn. (steph-a@mindspring.com). I may be being paranoid, but I don’t feel comfortable posting my trainer’s name on a public forum without talking to her about it first (and she’s out of town). I only have good things to say about her, but seems like a privacy issue (I am an ex-lawyer turned web site producer, so I am unusually sensitive to issues like this…)

ps sorry it took so long to respond. i’ve been swamped at work and haven’t checked the boards for days…