Let's Meet!

This reminds me of when I went in the hospital to have my last baby and I felt like I was everyone else’s mother.

I’ve got kids older than all of you and grandchildren as old as most of you. So I won’t tell you my age.

I was in love with horses all my life and bought the first barn because there was no one who would teach the pure love of the sport to my kids. Brought down from Canada my old riding instructor a very rare man by the name of Roger Vigneau.

He and Sullivan Davis, along with some really special people like Max Palmer, you may have heard of, Les Haigh from the British Cavalry, Otto Burneleit was an old Prussian Cavalryman who rode with Lawrence of Arabia (probably a mercenary)They were all determined that I should learn properly and subjected me to all the classic debates. During my 5 years at Suburban I was exposed to every school of riding and every discipline. These gentlemen made it all into one beautiful joy of the horse.

Hi, my names Christine and i live in Mundelein, IL. I’m 25, married to a great horse husband, no kids other than my pets, work as an assitant the sales department of a backpack/sportbag manufacturer. I have 3 cats: Ellie May, Jethro & Jed, a 120 gallon saltwater reef aquarium and my most prized horse. My horse is a 11 year old TB gelding, bay. I bought Lion when he was 7 and quite lame. He was at a stable i was taking lessons at and he was going to auction. I was afraid the killers would buy this skinny lame horse so i bought him thinking i’d just purchased a very expensive lawn ornament. I started riding when i was 4 or 5. My aunt bought a farm and ponies. I was the only kid in school who wanted to be a jockey. I was unable to start taking lessons till i was 10 when i had a baby sitting job and could pay for them myself. I started jumping and havent looked back since. Since i’ve purchased Lion we’re learning dressage so we might some day score well in our eventing. We event novice level but have the scope to move up to Prelim quicky if he was a little more brave. We dabble in dressage shows and hunter/jumper. I’ve also ridden with people who would make most of you cringe. I’m new to this board (brought on by the Jayne discussion) and have been checking out everything since. This is a great way to learn about everyone you read comments from. Great idea!

Hi ponykid, my name is Lynne and I am new to the forum. I am 33, live in Wisconsin, and work as an RN in a coronary care unit. I have loved horses all my life but wasn’t able to purchase one until I was a grown-up. I bought Brandi, my TBg, off the track and with a lot of love, patience, and hard work, have turned my runaway, racetrack reject into a quiet, rhythmic winning hunter. Most of the shows I go to are local, but I have shown at some rated shows with good success. I board Brandi at a very nice farm owned by a friend of mine who also rides hunters. I am married, no kids, but have two very spoiled cats, Baxter and Arlene. Getting to know each other was a great idea, it helps to better understand the posts when you have an idea what people’s backgrounds and experiences are.

No one has continued to post on this thread, but since I am new to this board, it’ll give me a chance to introduce myself.

I am 30, and have been involved with horses since I was 5. I was born to unhorsey parents, who supported my riding with lessons and equipment, less the horse! Of course, I always had horses to ride and show whenever I wanted since my parents would drive 45 minutes each way to get me somewhere close to a horse. Three cheers for mom and dad!

I competed regularly in the junior hunters and equitation classes. Went to college and got a degree in horses. The summer after grad I went to NC and got CHA certified to work at a summer camp, and from there groomed for New Hope Farms, which I truly loved. But, I wanted my own horse and knew the only way I’d be competing in Florida myself was if I could afford it myself. So, I went back to school. Got my degree and went back to working with horses. So, I am addicted what can I say!!

Five years later, I settled down to a career which I hate in order to “afford” my hobby. And today, in 2000, another 4 years later, I own my very first horse!!! Bailey is what I call him, I saved this guy from starvation and dehydration. Fortunately for him, I was in the right place at the right time. How could anyone starve a 16.1 hand registered appendix quarter horse (any horse for that matter), but one with so much potential? He is 7 years old and has been with me since November 6th. We are seeing lots of weight gain now, and this week I am going to start slow work with him. Maybe in a couple of years, we’ll actually be in Florida!!! That’s my goal.

I’m a bit long winded, but for those of you out there who are begging mom and dad for a horse…not to discourage you, but you may have to wait a ton of years, but “good things come to those who wait!!!”

Oops! Sorry guys, my message should read–for the first time in 19 years I don’t have a horse to ride. However, I plan to start riding again after I’m finished with school.
My typing isn’t the greatest.

Great idea, Pony Kid. Your question has not only gotten the folks who’ve been around awhile to tell more about themselves, but has even gotten lots of lurkers to show themselves and become part of the group! Yeah for you!