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Loading my horse by myself

For my first problem horse I used John Lyons method and repetition, LOTS of it. For the next one that didn’t work and I saw a guy on youtube that did it like this. He would walk the horse toward the trailer a good distance away and then stop and back up. He did this over and over all the while getting closer to the trailer. I also used lots of treats. I had a ramp so this was easier when you got to the part when they actually get in the trailer. You keep loading and unloading until the horse gets bored basically. Practice standing quiet once they are getting in OK. This took about 2 weeks of 15 min. a day. She was no rocket scientist so a smarter horse might learn faster. For the weak of heart like her you might have to do touch up lessons every so often. But you always want to train the horse well before you have to go anywhere. The video had a grey (almost white) Arabian I think and he was a cowboy type. I’m sure it is still there.

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My TB was this way. You had to give him a minute to think about the process and even then, it was multi step.

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