I wanted to update everyone as I have a few months in the new barn. I am elated. We had our best month mileage wise last month and I am routinely getting in several miles of trot sets after work, with long rides often both weekend days.
I ended up moving earlier than initially planned due to a rather heavy atmosphere after I gave notice. There were a few contributing factors, such as the barn owner’s son becoming unbearably aggressive and rude (I do not believe this was due to notice, as he had always been prickly and very often inebriated at all times of day, but it crossed the line for me and we moved the next week as I was able to move in early). I feel I can exhale. I am often the only one at the barn, or others will drop in for a few minutes as we all go about our things and chat if in the same area (or we plan to meet for a ride), but we are all working adults, some with children, and variable schedules/time availability. I no longer feel like someone is watching me from nearby houses, ready to spring out as soon as I arrive no matter when that is. It has been wonderful having time in the barn with my boys without needing to be “on”.
I have met many people to ride with, both from the barn/surrounding properties adjacent to the trail system and to trailer out to nearby trailheads. The barn owner and other boarders are active riders and we often ride out in pairs or small groups each weekend. We went out today, yesterday, and last weekend. I’m hoping we can get in a number of beach days this winter! It is just so fun being able to ride with other people. I’m not an extroverted person, but it’s nice having others to chat with, bounce around training ideas in technical trail sections or greenie moments of uncertainty, and lend bravery if needed (to horse or human).
The horses are doing well - still settling in, but used to their new routine and seem happy. It is a nice, quiet place and fairly well centered around the barn. My six-year-old has recently regressed a bit in his ring skills (he perhaps decided the trail life is for him, and ring be damned), but I had a trainer out last week and I went through the skills and training suggestions the next three days solo with some decent success, and the day after those with no antics whatsoever, so hopefully we have a reset. The trainer said this is probably due to becoming more settled and feeling comfortable enough to be extra opinionated, and is not without precedent, so I expect we’ll work through this soon enough. I significantly prioritize trail suitability over ringwork, so neither of my horses are ring superstars but I do expect every horse to be able to briefly lunge and ride through three paces in both directions without fanfare or argument (health permitting, of course).
Thank you to everyone who helped make this decision. I am very happy with my choice and looking forward to the rest of fall, winter, and beyond.