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Low starch, extruded, large nugget size


I’ve used crumbly hay stretcher pellets but they are kind of a mess and my boy wasn’t exactly thrilled.

Atkins style ginger snaps? Is the sugar replacer a problem for horses?

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I have a paso fino gelding who is prone to IR. I have bought the Stabul one treats and he loves them, along with both of my spotted walkers. They also loved the animal crackers I bought, large bag lasted for some time plus depending on brand they can be low sugar and starch, just check the nutrition facts on the bag/box.

If they are like the Purina Outlast treats they are pretty hard and kind of big, one of my horses didn’t like them because of the size and hardness.

Pasolover, I just got a bag of the Stabul 1 treats. They smell so good, and of course I will use them; but they are way too big for clicker training.

I also got a bag of Sentinel LS. They are puffed, but much too small. Not much bigger than a regular pellet. I’d like to see the Stabul 1 treats and the Sentinel LS get married and have puffy babies.

Ginger snaps, animal crackers, and cheese balls are all good suggestions. But you can’t imagine what a diet nazi I’ve become (because of laminitis). I just can’t imagine giving him junk food.

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Did you find out if you can get Alam? Here’s the ingredients. Or here they would be if I could figure out how to load a photo on mobile.

I e-mailed the company, but never heard back. I’d like to see the ingredients if you can figure out how. Maybe by private message?

I’ll email it to myself and get on the desktop later tonight to drop it in

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I know how you feel. My first Paso was also IR plus cushings so I had to be a diet nazi with him, now this little Paso is also on that end of things, so far knock on wood, he has not become lamanitic, yet. I feed the TC timothy balance cubes only to my three horses, they also make a good treat, can be broke into smaller pieces.

As to the animal crackers, I read the back panel and saw how low on sugar they are, IR horses according to the ECIR group and Dr. Kellon should only have a total of sugar plus starch of 10 percent and fat at four percent. At the time I used them I had no problems with mine, but some can be a bit more sensitive.

Hope you can find something you can use, I know the struggle of fighting it, and want to bang my head on the floor everytime I wonder why did I put myself back in that buying Rio. lol

Alam ingredients

Thanks so much! Could you show me a picture of a nugget in your hand? And the nutrition label?

Here’s what I settled on: Wendland’s One N Only. They are the perfect size and shape (like a cheeseball). They are not expensive and my local store carries them (in Texas). They are low fat and low sugar, but sadly not low starch, 14 percent starch which is scary high to me. I need to feed about six ounces a day for clicker training. Hopefully I’ll get away with it.

Thanks everyone who commented.

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Will your horse eat celery? You could cut them into whatever size you want.

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