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Lunging Horse over Jumps with Side Reins?

That way he can get his feet tangled in them:D:D

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Oh gawd, I’ve made it worse, haven’t I?!? :o

Just say no to side reins over fences. period.


I chatted with my trainer on the phone the other day and she said if I didn’t want to use side reins over fences (which I don’t) to not use them, so that’s what I did. I never said I wanted to use them over fences or that I was going to for sure, I’m new to a lot of this stuff (unlike most people my age, I haven’t been riding since I was 8) and was just looking for opinions. I wasn’t sure if it would be weird to ask my trainer to use/not use them and now I know I should just be honest with her when I don’t feel confident with something I’m inexperienced in. I didn’t come for a trainer bashing, I literally just switched trainers a few months ago and I’m definitley not even considering looking for another. Also to add, the side reins have literally always been loose enough to have slack in them. They’ve never forced her head anywhere she didn’t want it to go, they were just there so when she reached through her body she had contact to reach for. Anyways, thanks for the new opinions and povs!

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OP if you are not comfortable doing something with your horse don’t be afraid to speak up. If you are uncomfortable with what your trainer is doing don’t be afraid to speak up.

If if you ask another question on CoTH and get consensus in the answers CoTH is right despite what people may tell you IRL otherwise! :yes::lol:

Really, consensus is rare!


IMO, nothing wrong with questioning anything a trainer tells you. That’s one way you learn and being to form your own opinions. If you aren’t happy with the trainer’s answer or lack thereof, pay attention to that as much as if you get an answer you are satisfied with.

Ultimately, you (the owner) are responsible for the health and safety of your horse. No harm in attempting to uphold your end of the bargain :slight_smile: