AJ’s email= lvlatfivethorns@localnet.com
phone= 540-457-0083
AJ’s email= lvlatfivethorns@localnet.com
phone= 540-457-0083[/QUOTE]
A couple of members of Full Cry Hunt have lurchers. Some are greyhound wolfhound crosses and some are greyhound Saluki crosses. They ride in a special box on the truck whip’s modified Ford Explorer until the truck is in the perfect spot for a release. A button is pushed in the truck, doors drop down on the box and the lurchers leap into the hunt. The lurchers will not pursue a coyote into the trees, swamps or brambles so they are only released if the truck is in a huge open area. Sometimes I trail ride at the farm where some of them live and they love to join the ride, often running off to check out whatever and then popping back on the trail. I’m always surprised that they don’t spook the horses.
Candy Gyser in Vacaville California had a few she did agility with.