Wonderful news! When you get a chance, would you mind sharing a pic of the new “couple”?
They’re both beautiful! What a sweet mare she is. And your little girl is so precious! Thanks so much for making my day!
D’aaawwwwwwww! Squee! They were meant to be together. And wowza what a good looking back-up mama!
So glad to see that everything worked out well!!
Happy mare and happy foal.
So glad that you found a nurse mare. Some mares just aren’t into raising babies.
What beautiful pictures, lovely filly and nurse mare.
I think it’s best to let the maternal mares raise the babies. The situation can go very wrong, very quickly, when a mare is not accepting a foal. Well done you!
At risk of prolonging this thread (but apologizing for that with more adorable photos of foal and new mom!), I do want to note for any future reference that a nurse mare was 100% the right decision for this filly. I believe we could have struggled through and kept her fed with my mare, but the filly is really blossoming with the love she gets from the nurse mare that she did not from my mare. And my mare is actually thrilled to be rid of her and back out in a herd of adults, which really sealed how right the choice was for all of us. I know not everyone has the ability to get a nurse mare and there are other viable options, but to anyone in my shoes in the future: get the nurse mare yesterday if you can.
Please feel free to prolong away with a continuing series of darling update photos. Pretty please?
Trust me, everyone here wants you to “prolong” this thread. You really aren’t prolonging though, you’re following up.
I think I can speak for us all when I say, we are thrilled with the happy outcome and that we, many of us, tend to become doting aunties where our COTH member’s foals and horses are concerned.
Breeding is tough and a good outcome after adversity is a treat for us all. You did try everything to get the maiden mare to accept her foal, which is what should be done, but for the foal’s sake you do have to know when to throw in the towel. Well done you!
Please do post photos and updates for all of the doting COTH aunties (and uncles.)
Some mares just love being a mother and you have found one. She looks very content, and your foal looks happy and content as well.
THIS!!! Follow up away!
The foal watch thread is stalled … more baby pics!
I know, provide all the baby pics! My mare is slowly working on having hers, so hopefully I’ll have pics to share before the end of the week!
And absolutely grateful for the update on the nurse mare and baby. I really hope my mare enjoys being a mom, but if not it is good to know that the nurse mare is 100% worth it!
Is that a Cold Spring mare? They are the best!
Usually the nurse mare goes back to her owner after the foal is weaned. I can’t speak for @Mareish but I would expect that would be the arrangement.