Chewy is cheaper than directly through the company ever on sale.
I had those done but one horse got a “summer sore” from the worms that don’t show up in fecals so I treat with wormer
Yes, Summer Sores, caused by the habronema worm, don’t show on FECs because they’re not IN the horse as adults laying eggs. They’re deposited on the horse by flies, onto open wounds, which the worms them keep eating and keep opening and active sores.
Deworming with a macrocyclic lactone can take care of them (ivermectin is safer for the sometimes frequent deworming needed to get through a season), but you don’t deworm for them “just in case” like you do for bots and tapeworms. If you DO have a confirmed habronema issue then yes, get out the ivermectin (topically as well).
But if you don’t, then if you’ve already used ivermection or moxidectin for bots (with praziquantel for tapeworms) then you don’t need to deworm again “just in case”
I just bought the zero egg count kits via Chewy. They arrived yesterday and are nicely packaged with clear instructions. It’s super handy that they come with prepaid postage to send them back.
They’re set for pick up tomorrow and supposedly they come back quickly - I will update with my review!
Great to hear! Thank you all for sharing!
I too got the zero egg counts from Chewy - and they are currently waiting for the mail person to pick them up in the next hour or so in my mailbox.