Managing/rehabbing the canine amputee UPDATE WITH PICS!

My soul mate dog was also a hind leg amputee. Other than keep her lean and start a joint supplement pre-emptively just treat her like a normal dog! They adapt quickly, and she probably feels much better than she did with the bad leg.


What beautiful dogs! I’ve never had an amputee dog but I’ve seen them ripping around the dog park as fast as the others. I’m sure it won’t be long before she is being a wild and crazy puppy! I think the best thing you can do for her is make sure you don’t spoil her to try to make up for the rough start she had. GS dogs are so smart and confident and they can take over a house in the absence of a strong leader.

@cllane1 how is your new girl healing up? I think we need more photos.


First of all THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU!!! GSDs are absolutely THE BEST of all breeds - I have 4! There is an amazing vet on the Animal Channel who makes artificial legs and other devices to help dogs with missing limbs or paralysis. He is truly amazing! You might check him out. A young GSD would adapt so quickly. Please give her a hug for me – and yourself!!!

She is doing great! As I expected, now that she’s gained some weight and the leg has healed, her personality is starting to come out. She’s quite mischievous. She likes to turn the water bucket over, which she thinks is hysterical. We keep a big stack of towels on the counter at all times to sop up any spills.

Vet follow-up went very well. The stump has healed perfectly. Alice was very miffed, however, that she had to get a blood draw (heartworm test) and three injections (rabies, parvo, heartworm preventative). She thought she had just come to visit her friends.

She has started to get more chatty too, with little barks and yips and grumbles. Last night she went full-on “something is out there” barking/growling and it was quite eerie.

We’ve had a string of days now with no potty accidents in the house. We are starting to get to know her schedule for needing to go out. Luckily she is imitating my Gabby dog and is good about going out when she does.

She’s starting to play with toys a little more but they don’t really keep her attention. I hope that changes because then we could throw a ball, etc to keep her busy.

Sorry for the novel!

I need to get more action shots but she’s rarely still when she’s awake!


That was a wonderful novel. Please write more novels with updates.

She is quite adorable! Love that her personality is starting to shine thru,

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I’m good reading Alice novels, and looking at pictures, love a feel good story. Still think there was a hand behind this, from someone greater than us :wink:

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Oh, she is a pretty girl! I’m so glad she had a soft landing with you.

Love all of your updates and pictures! GSDs are sooooo smart - they housetrain in 5 minutes I’ve always said and mine know what I’m saying - just amazing! A great story! They also talk ALOT - so many sounds - grumbles, groans, whines, whistles, howls and she will be very protective of you and her home - but in a good way!

Thank you for taking her in and caring for her. She already looks a thousand percent better. She sounds like quite character. l

(Psst…don’t let her watch Top Dog - she might get ideas. lol)