Mary is out, Britt is in at USHJA

Same :rofl: I was also always excited because the people leaving the country would drop off a ton of basically new equipment at the consignment store.
Most of the people I worked for were ready to get out. By the end it’s 90 degrees, starting to be really humid, and the grounds just look like they need a break. But, I remember the kids being unhappy it was over because they liked the school there and their friends.


USEF is the national governing body, the head honcho. USHJA is a discipline affiliate. It’s the largest one, but it falls under USEF’s umbrella and is subject to USEF authority. Some of this relationship does date to the AHSA days. In that era, there was no discipline affiliate for hunters and jumpers, it was one organization. When the rules for NGBs for all sports become more codified, the formation of a H/J specific affiliate was part of that.

Plus then they can charge us more money since we have to join two organizations, not just one.

VXF covered the “why” for the fine. (Thanks!)


I attended multiple weeks of Princeton in the spring/summer last year with several horses in different divisions. I didn’t have many interactions with Mary but the ones I do recall were positive.

As another poster mentioned I believe the town’s regulations on impervious coverage are an issue for them.

While there were things I might change or do a bit differently (as with any show, none are perfect), overall I’m very grateful we have a facility as nice as Princeton running shows so centrally located in the state.


It’s giving F1 marketing vibes now

Having done a fair amount of Zoom; as an instructor/presenter, a helper, and a participant–making people raise their hands is not the way to go. It’s off-putting to some so fewer questions get asked (but may be considered a plus if you don’t want to ask questions). Other people in the Zoom can’t see all the questions that are being asked. Even if the same number of questions are asked as via chat, fewer questions will probably end up getting answered because it’s just not as efficient.


It also eliminates the option to make a comment or ask a question anonymously.


Still waiting to hear what 3.0 really is.


Probably the fee multiplier going forward.


:grimacing: :scream: :moneybag:

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3.0 is like the “next version” of whatever. Probably not completely defined yet, but obviously seems like some attempt to squelch participation, and shorten the meetings, over previous versions thereof. It’s the all new and probaly not that improved USHJA!! :money_mouth_face:


From the article:

“This fall the USHJA task forces and committees (whose members’ names and contact information have been removed from the USHJA website) will be reseated. McCormick urged interested members to submit a committee interest form if they might like to serve. He also said that the zone committees will be reappointed as well.”

i am interested in volunteering for a committee. who here has done so. what was it like? if i’m honest, my business background and education probably makes me most like to contribute on the Finance Committee

I think it depends a lot on which committee. I’ve been on a couple of different things that have only involved a very occasional conference call or zoom, but I’m sure there are others that take up a lot more time.