Mask policy not being enforced at barn.Wwyd? *Updated*

Wow, you’re describing the exact situation that we dealt with recently at my barn. Do we board together? :crazy_face:

We had a boarder whose roommate (also a boarder) tested positive for covid, therefore this boarder was automatically required to fulfill a 14-day quarantine, regardless of a negative test. Long story short, she did not quarantine. She got herself tested within the first 5 days of the 14-day window, it came up negative so she told her roommate that she decided to “shorten her quarantine.” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Who knew that that was ever an option? This boarder came out to the barn every. single. day. when she was supposed to be in quarantine. A lot of people at the barn were very unhappy, very very uncomfortable about her being out there when she was potentially in the incubation period and contagious. From what I understand, someone did end up reporting her to our state’s covid hotline. Who knows if anything will come of it. But, unfortunately, I also have a hands-off BO and a trainer who ultimately doesn’t get a say in telling boarders what to do. What I can do, though, is control what I do. We use an app that we check in with to let other boarders know when we’ll all be out. I kept an eye on the app and avoided the times that she was going to be there. It’s still incredibly frustrating to watch how inconsiderate and selfish people can be during these types of events though, for sure.


Jackie_Cochran, how do you tape your mask to keep your glasses from fogging up?

I used 3M skin tape across the top sealing the bridge and cheek

I find the paper masks much less prone to fog than cloth.

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Interesting, thanks!

Good for you. You must not have much to lose.

I live with someone who will almost certainly die if they catch covid. Based on the experience of others to date.


I use drug store “skin tape”.

It works pretty well, but taking it off is slightly irritating. I am sort of sensitive to glue type substances so that may be why I feel like a tiny layer of skin is being removed.

But whatever, it is better than having my glasses fogged up. Besides, it does close up an access point for the viruses. In the future I will probably use masks etc. during the yearly flu outbreaks. Covid is a serious concern, but I am also paranoid about the flu since a bad flu can lead to crippling from my MS, bad exacerbations.

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My feed is full of people who work in health care whose posts literally alternate between photos of them at work bemoaning how awful things are because of COVID and photos of them partying it up at weddings maskless.


I’m sorry for those people who lack critical thinking skills and empathy. You can teach one but not the other.


I saw someone use a large bandaid to do the same, which is another option. Maybe the adhesive is a little easier on your skin?

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People are dying. Large numbers of people are very ill and dying. Our hospitals are overwhelmed. Our medical professionals are exhausted. It is horrible.

Not being concerned is stupid. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who are unconcerned about the virus and that is why the U.S. leads the world in Covid cases and deaths. The U.S. A first world country.

People who wear masks and take strict precautions are trying to prevent the transmission of a deadly virus. They are using their brains, not “living in fear”.


I posted this video on a different thread in the racing forum, but I will throw it in here. The people who whine about wearing a mask to walk around in the grocery store should watch these jockeys ride a mile with their masks on.


Hoopoe was responding to oreo_mom, who is the one to whom your comment should perhaps be directed.


I’ve posted on this forum earlier in the spring, and received some pretty interesting backlash when I chimed in on the seriousness of COVID-19. If you’re interested, feel free to browse my post history from around May 2020.

I may have garnered some unpopularity to a certain degree, but I really do function to inform people – it is literally my job! Anyone curious about the work I have done in Data Science regarding COVID-19 & the economy, feel free to DM me.

Hi yes, the Data Scientist here that will do her best to avoid comments that only gain individuals calling me ‘elitist’ and I’ll do my best to refrain from “I told you so” commentary.

OP, I am in a large city in the US which boasts the worst COVID numbers in the nation at this time (SoCal). My former stables made it clear they did not feel it is necessary to enforce safety rules as strictly as I would feel comfortable with (I must be a little careful here, as I still have my tack stored on premise). Throughout the year, I was increasingly busy with work and further education. I used this year to take a break from my lease, focus on my career, and ultimately, plan my move to a state with better turnout & better quality of life (woo, remote work!). I was not a huge fan of my current city anyway. I knew that as a non-owner and not a particularly significant show client, my facility would not really care about how I felt. No matter how ‘right’ or ‘caring’ I am.

I felt comfortable knowing a vaccine would be developed eventually (now we have one and can expect to receive in within 2021, fingers crossed). Horses will always be there for you. Since you don’t own, I think the bow out is simple. Take a break for 6 months: do home workouts, hike, focus on work.

You even posting this makes it clear that you have different values - values that protect you & others.

Speaking from experience you can be the most knowledgable and trained person in the room and still feel like you’re screaming into a void regarding these subjects. Cut your losses, it is not worth your stress over less than a year of missed ride time. My older sister after 15 YEARS of not touching a horse, jumped some small fences within 30 mins of mounting.


Thanks foursock, could not figure out how to quote, TIL NOW! :slight_smile:

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You can buy skin protection wipes (like the kind people use around their ostomies, but smaller). Wipe a layer on and allow to dry before you apply your mask and tape, and you should notice a significant improvement in your skin integrity.


I think all barns should probably have some kind of a plan should a worker need to quarantine or contract COVID. From my own workplace I will say that many people have to quarantine due to exposure in their home. Our health department considers close contact to be within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more. I am never within 6 feet of a barn employee for 15 minutes or more. The contact between the man that works at the barn and boarders is very minimal. Our health department requires masks indoors and outdoors when social distancing isn’t possible. Because of this wording, I have not seen any barn workers wearing masks in the two barns I’ve been in during the pandemic. Perhaps it’s regional but here it doesn’t seem to be a common thing to see.


Oh it feels like a lifetime ago when I wrote my original reply. We are all now wearing masks and keeping the very large barn to 5 people max at a time.

I am truly sick of living through history :mask:

I hope all cothers can beat this thing! I know we may not all see everything the same way but boy do I enjoy the company and wisdom of COTH


In my community we are vaccinating 1A and some 1B, so working through the list.

So … with luck, by late spring - maybe earlier!, I’ll get one, too. I’ll still stick to all of the protocols because not everyone can/will get a vaccine. But the vaccine should slow the covid role, over the next several months. :slight_smile:


Know you dont want to hear this but maybe its time to change barns? This one doesn’t even create at least the perception they care about the health of their human clients…leaving one to wonder if they care about keeping the horse population healthy and safe from communicable diseases.

Far as reporting them, you could. Consider that you are there voluntarily, fact you pay them to be there. Its not your property or employer disregarding state regs and forcing you to be exposed, you are free to keep yourself safe by picking another provider.

Is it worth your health to stay and add more stress to your life over something you cant control? Even if you file a report, very much doubt the Health Department will do anything other then maybe send a letter in a month or so. Which will be tossed…if the barn cared about following guidelines, they’d be doing so.

Fact you even had to speak to trainer and ask her to enforce mask regs and she blamed the BO? Symptom of far worse.

Boarding is always a compromise but some things cross your individual line. That line may be in a different place for different individuals but once crossed, trust is lost. You need to move, doubt there is any compelling reason to stay more important then keeping everybody safe. This barn is not and doesn’t care. Move.

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