I’m looking for input as the vet will be coming out soon for my coming 5yo mare. Background:
- She has always had bad posture. Her feet were terrible when I got her as a 2yo. Good trimming on a 5wk cycle and rasping her toes in between trims helped her feet tremendously. Improving her feet helped her posture, and when she is in work her posture is a lot better too. But she got about 6wks off from December through early Jan and her posture has reverted to just awful. She stands very camped under, sometimes both her front and her back legs at once but often just one or the other. She does not stand square on her own when her posture is bad like this. Generally looks uncomfortable. She also has a hunter’s bump. Right now she’s shod up front and on a 6wk cycle.
- When she trots she goes around in an inverted U-shape. This also was getting better before she had a 6wk break but now when trotting in turnout her neck and back are braced.
- This past weekend, her SI area was sore when I palpated it, especially on the left side of her back. I gave her a massage. KT taped it, and we did stretches. When we did groundwork this week, it was walking over poles and backing up. When I would back her up, her body would invert and her head would go all the way up in the air and brace her neck. This is unusual even for her being out of work, because she’s always been able to back up with a low headset and round her back.
- Yesterday, she was lame on her hind left. She’s standing very narrow behind and tracks narrow. Not tightrope walking but quite close. Doesn’t want to step under herself as much when usually she tracks up nicely with her hinds landing in the same impressions her fronts made. She was standing with her hind left all the way underneath her which is what initially flagged my attention.
I inspect her every day and she’s never been warm or swollen anywhere. When she was in work before the break, it was about 4x a week of 2x riding (90% walking, 10% trotting) and the other 2x being ground work or long lining. She looked wonderful — she muscled up very nicely and her posture was a lot better.
She gets bodywork by a talented PT about every 6wks and is dramatically improved afterwards. Every time, the bodyworker says her hamstrings are very tight (suspected due to posture) but has never found any back pain.
I took X-rays of her hooves last in August 2022 (fronts) and December 2023 (hinds). Everything looked great then, but with the vet coming out I’m going to ask for all hoof films and look for any imbalances or NPAs. The doctor that’s coming is a lameness specialist so I’m sure she will have her own ideas, but is there anything else I should ask for? I think it is an SI issue but I am not the professional so any ideas are very welcomed!