MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Yeah, and isn’t there a bundle of nerves right at that spot, so putting pressure there from girth buckles can not only be uncomfortable for the horse, but can also cause some neurological interference (if you will) from the nerves being continually overstimulated.


I don’t believe CH is a random “nobody.” I trust the mods and respect what they have clarified, but I do not think that rules out a connection to the fam or their legal representation. CH is too invested in the conversation to be a random nobody IMO. Also way too “clairvoyant.”


I think many here agree with you, but all we can do is sit back and watch. And we watch very carefully!


Didn’t the mods also say at one point that they had no evidence that JK and IM were connected? Apparently the lawyers were able to find a connection, even when the mods did not.

Which is not at all a diss of the mods. Just an observation that their resources may not be definitive on such matters. Anyone can use a different IP address or what have you.


Dang it, you owe me a new keyboard! :laughing:


Totally agree!

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I think everyone here knows her claims about her riding are just as delusional as all her other claims but it rings “mean girl” hashing and rehashing. Just my opinion.


It’s Monday. I wonder if there will be any updated documents online.


I assuming with COTH you can sign up with whatever First, Last and email that you like. So unless someone is honest with what the fill out, it’s entirely possible JK filled it out as Inigo Montoya, Lawyerboss@aol.com, and COTH could say they have no reason to believe that it is JK. But then the law teams sit down and compile things, and they have an email from Lawyerboss@aol.com to RG and LK signed Daddy JK… then the law teams have a confirmation.

If Lala has an email of kanarakklan1@aol.com, and Seeker has kanarakklan2@aol.com, COTH could logically deduce that they are likely connected, and likely Kanaraks.


Agree. I think they only have so much information. Anyone can use a fake email, first and last name and a VPN.




What’s is interesting to me is that Ulf lives in Germany and comes to Wellington for the winter. So he either brought this contraption with him from Germany, or keeps a similar contraption at his Wellington digs (isn’t he affiliated with Helgstrand Dressage in WPB?), or the rig was in residence at the farm where this lesson took place.

And really - from the little bit of time I spent around and with Ulf in Germany, I can imagine him rolling his eyes when he realized what he was being asked to work with - a low level, not uber talented, “little rich girl” who seemed to think she could be a world beater and who had boyfriend and Daddy convinced of it too. I bet Ulf just shrugged and thought Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (how does that go in German?), pocketed an easy couple of hundred bucks, and then went about his day of working with really talented riders and horses.


Not yet. There may have been nothing that happened last Friday and we are still going to get oral arguments at some point. Part of me thinks that date was entered when the motions were first adjourned, but prior to all the responses that triggered a request for oral arguments. So, I guess we’ll see?


Gail Greenough… I was a last minute fill in for that clinic all those years (decades now!) ago. Someone canceled and the host wanted an even number of participants. I was on the auditor list and boarded my OTTB there. He was on stall rest thanks to some pasture gymnastics. He also thought being pointed at any height of fence was akin to needing to show an amazing turn of foot as you came thundering down the stretch at Churchill Downs (or more appropriately, Woodbine) in huuuuge strides to catch the leaders at the wire.

So Joker the little Appy was available… and as he and I had been on some fall hunts before, had a great time and lived to tell the tale, I thought why not?

Thus occurred one of my brief “spotlight” equestrian moments!


They simply said IM was not LK and not the state expert witness. If the id wasn’t confirmed by subpoena, the one must assume that he said something that was identifiable for someone close to the situation to have all the evidence.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I have the feeling you are right. Do you know on what basis the judge would not allow verbal arguments?


It is a simple enough contraption it does not even take the superman skills of Rob/Jim to make. So he could have just bought a piece of rope to make it.


I wonder why Jay-T, the true schoolmaster, wasn’t used if the point was to teach how to engage a horse. If this mare was a show horse prior to LK’s purchase, she should know engagement without a cruel, dangerous contraption.


I read your post and thought immediately of Gail. She used to come to Vancouver Island many many (like, 30yrs) ago and give basically lessons. I don’t even remember how I got signed up, but it was like, Oh, Gail’s in town next week, who wants a lesson? And we’d sign up for privates or groups. This would happen multiple times a year. Just no big deal.

It wasn’t until I was a bit older that I realized the amazing opportunity this was. Maybe it was better, because I wasn’t nervous in the lessons. It was just another lesson.

Also, let’s be very clear I had aspirations of getting a ribbon at our local shows, where a big class was 10 people, and we were all riding backyard horses.

ETA - Basically this was all to say Gail is a gem, and I think it was amazing that she would quietly come to a small little town and train a bunch of 3ft kids on plain horses. She never made us feel like less thans.