MB update

The other thing is…you can’t talk about the civil suit without discussing LK and her role. Also, it’s fair to discuss some circumstances as MB is most assuredly raising self-defense in the civil suit.

You can’t talk about him getting the heck out of AK without touching on why he’s there.

However, people that keep trying to define and redefine NGRI are minimal and we would all be best served by scrolling on by that stuff. Also, people trying to police this or any thread would be better served hitting that little flag button and scroll on by.


He has a roof over his head, food on the table, enough disposable income to “slip” off his sobriety program, and he doesn’t have to maintain a normal job where he would be held accountable for his time and actions?


My thought is she went after SGF LLC because they own the farm, and that is part of what she wanted.

She hasn’t worked for anything else she has, so why would she want to work to own a farm when she could win it in a lawsuit. Wouldn’t surprise me if this was part of her plan! Especially since she was accumulating horses, and it seems there was a financial limit on her monthly expenses.

I am not saying this is logical, but nothing we have seen in the last 3 years from her has been logical!


Clearly this is what takes up her time. :roll_eyes:



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True, but how is their loyalty shown? They didn’t even include him in legal representation with ED. How would you feel in that circumstance?


I understand that concept, MHM. In fact I acknowledged that in the part of the post you edited out!

Hear, hear!

I have been told the transition for released prisoners is akin to that experienced by military personnel when they return Stateside from overseas deployment - esp. if they have been deployed to a very high stress location such as a war zone.

Given that MB had a good track record of utilizing the services of mental health professionals to help him deal with the difficulties of life, I have faith that he will continue to receive counseling for some time as he readjusts to life on the outside again.


I’m sure he will be deposed. I don’t follow RG or LK on social media so not aware of what they post where. I just figured if he was posting anything it would have been copied and posted here.

I hope for everyone’s sake, the civil case will proceed and conclude so all can move on with their lives. I’m interested in seeing how the insurance companies, if any, will be involved, if claims are denied, if bad faith is filed. From the stand point of any horse professionals, I think it’s important as to how insurance companies cover their insureds. This case is one for the books in that regard.

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No, ma’am. I’m not trying to get the thread shut down.

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Do you think JK will be willing to foot any legal expenses associated with RGs deposition? Such as, the bull to have the delightful Mr. Nagel on hand to help keep RG out of trouble if Bilinkas or Deininger go down certain roads with their questions?

My guess is that might be money well spent on JKs part.


I can imagine being with his horses, dog, and loved ones at his home will definitely be an amazing tonic.


That’s all interesting, and I agree.


I think when you’re (g) that far into an addiction that any sense of self-respect or indignation, if you’re still capable of feeling them, is hidden deep inside. That is the only way to maintain the status quo of your physical needs being met without any effort on your part. ETA: well, apart from doing laundry and wrapping horse legs.


We know for a fact, from the trial, that LK had violated the privacy of Michael’s office, so who knows what she accessed while in there. Could she have taken pictures of insurance policies? Agreements between Michael and SGF LLC? Financial records of both Barisone Dressage and SGF LLC?

I would not bet she didn’t!


I know I’ve mentioned before my kid being stupid and ending up a guest of the state. He was only in for maybe 6 months total. It’s all becoming a blur. Anyhow, a few days after his release, we were running errands and decided to stop at Taco Bell. The menu was so overwhelming to him that he completely shut down and I had to order what I knew he would get. 6 months of having meals dictated to him made his ability to order fast food disappear, among many other challenges.

So yes, that history of seeking help will be beneficial going forward.


I have absolutely no interest in going down a political wormhole on this thread.

However, I will just point out that one of the (many, many, many) sources of Donald Trump’s current legal troubles is the fact that according to his former attorney, he made false claims about the value of his various properties, depending on whether he was talking to the IRS or financial institutions, since he was underreporting their value to the IRS for tax purposes, and over reporting their value for the sake of securing loans against the properties.

The story completely changed depending on the purpose behind his statements.


Pot. Kettle. Black. Part 2.


OMG! That was the most liberating experience! Responding to her recent YT rants. I feel light as a feather.


All of that is going to be inadmissible in the civil trial if it is decided that it was obtained illegally. Same goes for her recordings.

Unless she gets a personality transplant, she is going to come across just as poorly as she did in the criminal trial.