MB update

Well it didn’t take y’all long to get back to bashing LK. “Oh it’s all about the trial and MB.” Really? Get back to the trial then.

I’m one of the people who have referred to RG as a hero in the moment he stopped MB. MB had a magazine with 9 more rounds in his pocket and could have changed that magazine in seconds. RG tackled a man much larger than himself and held him until the arrival of LE. He could have killed him but he did not. He restrained himself. At that time MB was an active shooter. No one knows how many people an active shooter will shoot if not stopped. Seeker1 also called RG a hero and said he saved her daughter. Whatever else RG does or doesn’t do, in that moment, he stepped up, maybe just to save his own skin but he saved more than himself.

I don’t follow LK on other social media. I don’t follow her at all. I have followed the threads on the shooting here from the first. I do remember she testified she called SS about bullying and SS asked if there were minors present. She has denied calling CPS.


Since there were other minors (children) on the farm besides MHG’s children (student workers), she would have had to get pretty specific to just target her children.


Plus he said he used to go down and wrap the horse with cellulitis, right? Don’t forget that very important task.


A short haiku poem:

Barisone waits for his hearing
Drawing pretty pictures with short graphite pencils
He knows not of KKK

Talk about what I want
But don’t talk about what you want
That is the thread’s way


RG is no hero. He’s just a garden variety drug thug.

And no one believes he’s faster than a speeding bullet.


For someone who doesn’t follow LK on social media, you seem to be awfully familiar with her boyfriend!

How do you know RG restrained himself?

How do you know RG could have killed Michael?


That’s one area where I’m not going to criticize her. If she takes Suboxone that means she is at least trying to manage her addiction, and that’s not easy for anyone. Is she making the right choices? Hanging out with drug-free people who support her recovery? Living a positive life? Nope, but no ether are many, many addicts. But something is better than nothing and if she is on a treatment plan that includes suboxy to stay clean, she gets some credit for that. (But it doesn’t excuse or make up for her years of disgusting and horrifying treatment of other people, just to be clear.)


People, who are actively working to try to stay sober, and taking the proper steps through mental health and medical treatment, do not behave the way she does.

Period. End of story.


Except we don’t know if any of that is true. There is no forensic evidence to show that MB fired a gun at all. Was there a second magazine in his pocket? I thought one mysteriously appeared in the backseat of a police car? We don’t know if RG tackled MB and restrained him, or ambushed and attacked him. Certainly he caused grave injury to MB. We have no evidence at all that it was self defence.

Absent the conveniently missing / deleted / never recorded videos from the security cameras, we only have RG and LK’s stories to go on - stories which wildly conflict with each other, from two proven liars who struggle with addiction. The only other person who could provide clarity has no memory of the incident because (a) he was suffering a psychiatric break due to the other two at the time and (b) he was beaten senseless by at least one and possibly both of the other two.

Why would you accept RG’s version of events as true without question?


Obviously the jury who sat through the entire trial and listened to all the evidence DIDN’T accept RG’s version of events. They found MB straight up NG on all of the RG related charges.


RG is out there on SM saying he called 911. One has to question how well he knows what happened too.


I’m not nit-picking but…RC testified that her magazines held 7 bullets. So, either Hut mis-spoke at 9 bullets or the mystery magazine that was not in the pocket and then in the pocket and then appeared in a cop car but none of the cops know how did not belong to RC’s gun.


And wasn’t that cop car in the general vicinity of where RG was chasing Rosie around? And with the lack of fingerprints and DNA, there is no proof that RG did not handle that magazine.



They… they know all 911 calls are recorded, right?


Yep and stayed on the line until the police got there….


Yes. Yes he was chasing Rosie around in that area. After she shredded MB’s upper thighs/groin area. I wonder exactly how intact those shorts and their pockets were after that? Or did she bite the heck out of him without ripping the shorts?


This will be a fun fact to watch for in the civil trial.


Agreed. I have so many questions about that mystery magazine.


Bold = my comments


Speaking of Seeker.

Was she banned from the BB?