MB update

Nope. She’s still an active member. Just not posted since late June.

One of the first 3 LE testified he pulled the magazine out of MB’s pocket. When LE arrived, RG was restraining MB.

MB was the last person to have control of RC’s Ruger. The defense, the prosecutor, the mental health experts, and the jury (NGRI-beyond a reasonable doubt MB shot LK, preponderance of belief that he was insane at the time) all believed MB was the shooter. MB is much larger than RG and in superb condition as an athlete and he was armed.

They found MB not guilty for those charges because the prosecutor didn’t prove MB shot at RG beyond a reasonable doubt. That RG stopped MB, subdued him, refrained from killing him was witnessed by LE.

Is that him or LK posting as him?

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Okay. I disagree completely, but you expected my disagreement.

Can we move on now? The criminal trial is over. What you and I believe and/or disagree about is completely irrelevant.

RG definitely is a fine upstanding righteousness man who, with all his experience, was unable to simply open a door to a dryer or unplug it. Hmmm. Interesting. Now, come on and defend that inaction, okay?

The subject of this thread is MB UPDATE presumably about the rescheduled hearing. Do you have anything to contribute to that topic?


Yeah we’re not buying it. None of it. MB was jumped. The magazine was found in the cop cars back seat yet no one put it there. Unless RG put it there.


In what movie is this true? Heymer didn’t “witness” any such thing and you know it. Heymer witnessed a man pummeling another man to the point of unconsciousness. That’s ALL he witnessed.

Can you stay on topic please?


Your interpretation. Not mine. RG and LK jumped MB. LK had commanded Finish The Bastard.


Well, a first person account would be a little problematic for LK to make while posing as RG wouldn’t it?


LK states she lies on social media.

And once more LK allies bring the conversation back to the incident. The next post by HH will accuse us of discussing LK again like big fat meanies.


Now you start scolding naughty posters for straying off topic? Ok fine.

I hope MB’s hearing goes well for him and the outcome is the best for his coolers healing.

I hope the civil case settles quietly and privately.

I hope MB and LK return to riding and training and neither interact with people that can trigger any type of PTSD or other issues.


I would not call anyone names anymore. I can’t top the one I already used that is now living in perpetuity on the Go Fund Me page.

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Not what I was speaking of but whatever.


Around 1:00:00 is officer Henley’s discussion of searching MB, giving the magazine to SGT Bickham, and watching him put it on the trunk of Officer Fellini’s patrol car.

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The criminal trial is OVER.

This thread is about Mb’s upcoming hearing.

Move on.


Well the topic would have one think so but it’s been about RG and LK bashing and really cute dogs and being defensive about derogatory terms for a certain family and the past trial and the same people being confused about NGRI vs GBI vs NG. You’ve done a variety of posts yourself.

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Careful, your starting to look like someone on YT….


As I predicted.


Constant vigilance is necessary when on Squire L. Patrol.


As promised - anatomy Show & Tell