MB update

So we simply disregard Heymer’s testimony during the Miranda Hearing???

Again, the criminal trial is over. Minds aren’t likely to be changed at this late date. Can you please move on?


I often wonder if there was a reason for that beyond their continual habit of ignoring his existence until it fits some need they have.
If LK signs something about leaving but RG does not then he is not bound by whatever contract was signed and he can continue squatting away for as long as it takes for them to do some other legal maneuvers to get him out.
In other words, they look like they are doing the right thing in good faith but once again have not really done that.


There is an inappropriate derogatory term here in the South to describe what RG has become that I won’t dare post here.

It will be interesting to see how RG’s and JK’s involvement in everything comes out in the civil trial. I believe their participation in planning is significant along with others we may not have heard from yet. I hope the expected result of their plan finally comes out in the triple. For sure we know their was a grand plan from LK herself in her testimony. I wonder if plan details were carelessly discussed in texts and now available in the discovery released to the attorneys? :thinking:

LK’s recent YT post indicating “MB has done this before” is troublesome and could present issues for her. I believe she was discussing the shooting when she made that statement. What exactly has he done before? She continues to throw out serious accusations that, if true, would have been brought up by the prosecution I would think. Trials don’t run on fantasy do they?


Humor for the morning. This is appropriate and ties pups to the persistent confusion by some of the meaning of the verdict!


[quote=“SierraMist, post:1126, topic:774547, full:true”]

Yes, I am well aware that my example was regarding NY law in regards to worker’s compensation. But I was trying to point out that NJ may have its own definition of “grave injuries” so it therefore may not be accurate to describe LK’s injuries as “grave.”


A quote from the movie “Tombstone.”

Wyatt Earp:
What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?

Doc Holliday:
A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

Wyatt Earp:
What does he want?

Doc Holliday:

Wyatt Earp:
For what?

Doc Holliday:
Bein’ born.


False. No LEO witnessed RG stop MB from shooting, or witnessed him subdue MB. That all happened before police arrived on the scene to find RG on top of a badly beaten MB.

We don’t know what happened before police arrived on the scene and don’t know if RG would have killed MB had police arrived a few minutes later. All we know is what happened once police arrived.


Right - and that is a tactic not unique to DT. Many, many people or corporations try to do the same, and often get away with it unless and until someone puts them under scrutiny. I would wager that a great many of our “big money” politicians as well as other wealthy folks in the general public do the same if they think they can get away with it.


I haven’t felt sorry for him - his character was made clear to me by the way he presented on the stand, and then afterwards joining with LK to mock his own brother who is apparently in a wheelchair for the rest of his life - how they laughed at him about never being able to walk again. He was probably a decent guy once, he’s made his choices.


I wonder about his reluctance to leave SC for NJ when they first went to work with MB in the summer.
Maybe he knew, even in some unconscious level, that this would spiral.
Addicts I know like things the way they are, they get cozy in their support or enabling network.

Change, especially that which can create pressure (a new, more challenging job, or being around people who might challenge them personally, for example) isnt easily or commonly something they do readily.

I wonder if he was concerned about applying the pressure one would expect from the changes of moving to NJ and living and working among the same people, and delving deeper into improving her Dressage.


Why are people responding to posters who are intent on arguing the facts of a trial that is OVER?


Its clear both of them are doing the bare minimum.
A person in recovery doesn’t date or live with someone using. Period.





It always amazes me how big lungs are. And how big livers are. And how long intestines are. And they, plus many other organs, are all tucked happily away in me with no problem. I know they grew in there, but it’s amazing!


A minor point - unless and until I learn that LK’s or MB’s injuries meet NJ’s definition of “grave,” I do not think it is fair or accurate to use that term to describe them.

Other than that, I am in agreement with your entire post. :grinning:


I’m not sure RG could be included in the case without his own attorney representing him, as he’s a separate party, and at some point, RG and LK may have different decisions about the direction of the case, which would be a huge conflict for the attorney representing them.

I get why the family of LK might not want to shell out for someone who wasn’t shot or shot at, and who may actually be responsible for injuries and damages to MB. I don’t know why LK, with her unlimited funds, wouldn’t want to give RG the money to get a lawyer… Since she continues to claim he was a victim too.


I can only guess at this dynamic. Wasn’t there to see it thank goodness. But in similar relationships the alpha isolates the beta removing all support systems so that the beta is totally reliant on the alpha for everything. The beta is isolated from family and friends and relocated so that every waking moment is spent on the alphas wishes.

The result is the beta is stuck and angry and becomes a tortured soul.


I have no doubt the K-Klan hopes the civil case settles quietly and privately. That way, LK can crow endlessly on SM about how she prevailed - but only her sycophants will believe anything the admitted liar says. And the rest of her - ahem - Kohorts can perhaps avoid any additional humiliation they may feel at the country club if the case is discussed publicly. :roll_eyes:


But he’s inevitably going to be deposed. I would think LK’s attorney would realize it is in her best interests if the attorney preps RG for deposition, and if the attorney is in the room when RG is deposed. Otherwise… a mistake on RGs part might REALLY complicate LKs case…

That will all cost LK in terms of attorneys fees. But to not keep a tight leash on RG? Uh oh. That could go very very wrong. If Deininger is allowed to reference more evidence such as texts, whatever the heck is on the recordings, etc, and question RG about all of it… it’s going to be a minefield for RG to navigate during a deposition.


I didn’t know “grave injury” was a legal term and didn’t mean it to indicate anything other than “very serious injury.”