MB update

Clearly the medical personnel felt so, they had him in ICU after all.


I would not have been surprised if, except for the police arriving when they did, RG would have continued the beating until MB was either dead or severely brain-damaged to the point he appeared dead. I still think RG was insanely jealous of MB and resentful of him because MB was everything he (RG) was not - a big guy, strong and athletic, a talented horse trainer, an Olympian, a self-made man who had built a very successful business, financially successful, well-liked by his clients and others, well-respected within his profession and the community at large, with no criminal record, etc. And not a drug addict with a criminal record, nor a grifter nor a paid ā€œman-servantā€ to a drug addict. I think RGā€™s rage about his own lot in life compared to MB might have overwhelmed him to the point that he would have tried to kill MB.

Thank God the police arrived when they did.


Certainly if I had unlimited means, and someone saved my life, I would certainly try to help them, in this matter, in getting his due compensation for his labor renovating the house, etcā€¦
It is odd.



If RG isnā€™t a named party, he canā€™t really get an attorney unless he pays someone to be at the deposition, which might be hard to do. I donā€™t doubt that LK herself will prep RG for the deposition, but generally clients donā€™t attend depositions, itā€™s the lawyers, the witness and the court reporter/recorder.

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But theyā€™ve already given so many versionsā€¦
Certainly picking one, and sticking to it this time might helpā€¦ But not very much considering all the variety of versions already put there.


She canā€™t have her attorney- Nagel - attend with RG?

Thanks for clarifying/ Iā€™ve never had to sit in a deposition, or been sued. Thank goodness. So I donā€™t know what I donā€™t know.

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We saw how well that worked for the criminal trial.


Anybody testifying can have an attorney advising them.


And it is quite clear who was the alpha and who was the beta in that particular relationship. That realization must have also rancored Mr. Ex-Marine.

Edited to add that I have mentioned before how interesting I thought it was when RG was on the stand, and used the term ā€œalpha maleā€ to describe MB. And it was so clear to me that he was jealous and resentful of him.


All of the attorneys representing a party in the case attend the deposition, they all get opportunities to ask questions or object to questions. The witness, if not a party, generally doesnā€™t have representation because they are not being sued. They just answer questions.

When the parties are deposed their attorney is usually there to object and generally protect their client from improper questions or from answering too much.

You can watch the Heard/Depp depositions as examples.

Edited to clarify, Nagel canā€™t advise RG, or heā€™ll run into some issues, like he suddenly now represents RG. All Nagel can do is object to questions on certain grounds, like in the court room.


So, Nagel is really going to have to work this oneā€¦


Ahhhh - that clarifies a lot for me. Thank you.



I think it would also be interesting to see how many of their own texts blow holes in their own narratives.

The problem all along for LK is her propensity to talk, text, comment onlineā€¦ you name it. Itā€™s all going to catch up with her sooner or later, and when it does, she will be hoisted upon her own petard. So to speak. Itā€™s inevitable.


I know, it is a relatively minor thing to nit-pic about. But I think traditionally, the term ā€œgrave injuryā€ was used to describe an injury that put someone in their grave - a mortal wound, for instance.

My understanding is that various states elected to codify its meaning because it was so frequently being misused in criminal and civil proceedings - and in the media - often for the express purpose of trying to convince the audience (jurors, readers/viewers of a newspaper/magazine article) that injuries were much more serious than they really were. And insurance companies and their agents, attorneys, claims adjustors, etc., also tend to misuse it.

As previously stated, I do not know if NJ has codified its meaning, and in what regard. But I can certainly understand the need to codify it, to avoid it being used inaccurately to provoke a specific emotional response from a targeted audience.


Good point! If being in ICU meets NJā€™s legal definition of ā€œgrave injury,ā€ then I stand corrected. :grinning:


MB had a significant head injury and amnesia. Thatā€™s pretty serious.


I love the doggie head tilt!


The statutes in my state donā€™t use the term grave. The use protracted injury which is an injury which has long lasting effects. At least to my memory. Thereā€™s injury and serious injury also as terms.


I also think, and have stated, that RG was a hero for stopping an active shooter at the risk of his own life.

I think MB and his supporters should be grateful that RG interceded as he did to subdue MB without using lethal force. RG prevented MB from pumping more bullets into LK. In his delusional state, MB might have killed himself if he had not been subdued by RG.

Even if MB did not aim a bullet at RGs head, RG had a right to act in self defense given that LK had been shot.

I think itā€™s ridiculous the way people whine about the supposed travesty of MB being ā€œbadly beatenā€ by RG. RG had every right to act in self defense, and, IMHO saved MB as well as LK and himself.

Suppose MB had reloaded and killed both LK and RG? Would you want to have seen him tried for two counts of murder? Even if he was found NGRI on two counts of murder, wouldnā€™t knowing that you killed two people be a burden for the rest of your life?

Suppose MB had reloaded and killed both RG and LK, then shot himself? Thatā€™s definitely possible, given that weā€™re talking about a legally insane person with a gun, acting out in desperation.

You forget that many consider LK and RG the aggressors.

We donā€™t believe the version that the tenants told.