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Medina Spirit fails drug test

No BB apologist here but I doubt he is personally responsible for the percentages of horses who don’t make it through the Triple Crown wars. Back in the 60s, the series was nicknamed the “Cripple Crown” when so few made it through the races intact. The iron horses of the 70s and early 80s were somewhat of an anomaly (and ironically so many of them traced back to Raise A Native and Hail to Reason-neither of which ran past two).

Athletes get hurt full stop. Poor management doesn’t help but racehorses are athletes in a way that weekend ponies aren’t. I don’t care who you are, if you race horses, you are always a phone call away from a bad day. It is unbelievably difficult to keep horses together over a season which is why owners have to pick their conditioners with care. It is also why every win or even just a good race needs to be cherished.

What I have always found interesting about big time trainers like Bob and his clients is how lionized they often are by fans who turn their noses up at claiming races because they are unseemly I guess. But frankly, as an owner and breeder of some of those claiming horses and who had a blast when they did well, I have always thought about the separate incentive structure built into the graded stakes game. If you keep a horse together for 6 weeks --and its the right six weeks --the racing world can be your oyster. Now tell me who has the bigger incentive to push the boundaries, the trainers with the Saturday horses or the maiden claimers. Sure there are terrible trainers in both categories but most of the claiming horse trainers I know are pretty responsible because they really need their horses to stay in one piece over the long haul. You can’t keep clients if you can’t keep horses going in the claiming game but stakes trainers often just need a single big win and there has to be a temptation to get there whatever it takes.

Unfortunately that is not confined to racing.


In the majority of racing jurisdictions around the world, it is both possible and necessary to train and run horses without drugging them. If American racing is the exception then America surely needs to look at the fundamental structure of its sport.

It’s The Derby today. May the best horse win.


I know you meant Belmont!

The Derby, run at Epsom. A stallion-making race since 1780. TV can’t begin to show how tight and how steep Tattenham Corner is. I was amazed when I first saw it in person.


I’m still slack-jawed at Snowfall’s 16-length win in the Oaks.

Another Enable in the making?


Epsom Derby upset as Adayar wins for bloody Goddamndolphin and Sheikh Mo. (I know he’s dumped billions into the sport there. Still don’t like him).
Frankel has a Derby winner now…Galileo’s heir apparent.

Favorite Bolshoi Ballet was flat when asked.

I thought a great race. Adam Kirby got Adayar as a late mount earlier this week from Dettori (I think it was) who jumped on a different horse.

Adayar went off at 15/1 as Godolphin’s third string horse. First G1 win for Kirby and for Frankel.

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Adam Kirby knows the winner well; he was also Adayar’s partner when the colt was being broken in. :heart:

Trainer Charlie Appleby thought the colt more suited to the St. Leger. Interested to see if they still point him for that race in September.

These last posts about the Oaks and the Derby should have their own thread, not be added to the shameful event of a Kentucky Derby winner testing positive.


I wonder what their statement would be had it been their horse with the positive and likely dq in the Derby.


No kidding. They may have bought his excuse or they may not have.

His other owners have excused him in the past though. Makes you wonder if and to what extent they are complicit.


Interesting piece talking about the damage done by this mess.


Zedan and Baffert have now filed Suit against the KHRC because KHRC refuses to test the sample for the other ingredients in Ottomax.

What am I missing here? Bob; you used something with a banned substance that could knowingly test. Regardless of what it was used for; that substance cannot be in the system of any horse on race day. Whether the tests came back showing other ingredients in Ottomax or not; you used something with this drug in it and you were not supposed to. You did the same thing last year but left no explanation. Everyone else appears to be following the rules and raced clean. I am not sure what they are looking to gain from testing for other Ottomax ingredients… proof that Bob is blind to what is occurring behind his own stall doors? I’m not understanding what the ultimate goal is by filing suit over testing for substances the KHRC doesn’t care about


The circus continues :confounded:


Here’s the article:

I am fascinated by Baffert’s ability to cause his naive owner to believe that it REALLY isn’t his fault! :rofl:


Apparently, according to the article, he believes it will make a “huge difference… from both a regulatory and public relations standpoint.”

I doubt a judge will find that KHRC is responsible for Baffert’s PR problems, but you never know.


I rarely post but read here and finally worked myself thru the entire topic, during which there were so many great points and too much to address.

But I thought sparkygrace’s note, about what Baffert said after the hearing with the Arkansas Racing Commission was THE MONEY SHOT.

“I didn’t realize how easily you could get contaminated”. "You could just ruin somebody’s reputation and livlihood. I’m just worried it can happen again…"

This is EXACTLY how you set it up. This is how it’s done!!. He was setting the stage for the “next time”, which hHe knew it would happen again and here, he gave himself an out, in advance.

It’s so transparent and almost stupid, but sometimes the simplest things are the most brilliant.

And the “it was so educational”, as if a HOF trainer of his stature and years in the training busienss wouldn’t know this stuff.

It is easy now, at least for me, to despise him. He’s a crook, no doubt in my mind. He carefully set the table…it’s just the kind of premeditated thinking that criminals and grifters use…they are never very bright, but they CAN think ahead in steps like this.

He manufactured his excuse right then and there…for future use.

Sorry I could not figure out with the newer software here how to quote a post. :frowning:


Honestly, how many times can he expect people to believe that he is worried about being the victim of “sabotage” or “contamination”?
Being clueless about what his veterinarian is prescribing for his Derby horse is beyond the pale. It’s an absolutely inexcusable abdication of responsibility.

Any one of us that has ever had any horse competing in a sport that has drug rules, knows better than this. This guy is supposed to be the “best” and is “training” millions of dollars worth of bloodstock…

Edited to remove serial comma usage.


Unfortunately I can not support Monmouth, for both welcoming Baffert (but also where Servis and Navarro racked up their ridiculous %s) but most recently, this video of 2 weeks ago, of an obviously lame horse, who had just won her race… and the jockey did not dismount, and no van rushed over. It seemed more important to get a winner’s circle photo I guess. Stewards and vets seemingly thought it was okay, too???

Did you guys see this? Race was: Hollendorfer, Monmouth, Friday May 28th. Horse West Side Girl. (video link further down)

I’m esp. sensitive to ensuring that ex racers can have a useful and healthy life after the racetrack, because ex racers can be filtered into a variety of 2nd careers due to the diversitality of the breed.

We know that horses who retire w/out significant injuries have athletic longevity often into their late teens and 20’s, not to mention as companion horses. Therefore, not addressing any severe physical problems they have, and PRONTO, denies them a FUTURE off the race track, denies them a future of comfort and usefulness, not to mention denies humans of their wonderful companionship.

I simply do not want these racers to experience chronic nagging injuries that may truly hamper their future in so many ways. Seeing this truly disgusted me.

Video here:


Did this horse have a positive drug test?