Well, I listened to the entire interview with Dr. Clara Fenger and I was not favorably impressed. Each time she brought up such phrases as “fake news”, “irrelevant results”, “innocent until proven guilty”, “presented to the grand jury and indicted”, and “unconstitutional” … she lost a fair bit of credibility.
She did a great job trying to muddy the issues by talking about 57 substances detected in the water supply but stated several times that this was not a factor with Medina Spirit … but then she ended the interview saying that it just might come down to everyone bringing their own water. She compared human athletic drug testing to that of horse racing and declared horse racing to be the cleanest sport. She kept referring to pharmeceuticals as “therapeutics” only separating out anabolic steroids and pointed out how she couldn’t even administer “therapeutics” on race day. It was a bit of an odd stance especially in light of other top trainers not receiving the same results.
BB shouldn’t be able to argue everything away as environmental but Dr Fenger seemed to think he should - that “therapeutics” should not have a zero tolerance level. In fact, she argued before whatever commission it is that decides these things that betamethasone should have an allowed level of 100 picograms. Yes, both she and her husband are heavily involved in the horse racing industry. Her reasoning and conclusion just left me a bit uneasy.