Medina Spirit fails drug test

Probably, but it’s not a big deal. Off label use of drugs is common in humans as well as horses. It only matters that you pay close attention to what you use on a Derby horse or any other horse that is tested regularly.


There are a tremendous number of pharmaceuticals used off label in veterinary medicine.
It’s not worth the manufacturer’s $$ to get them approved for all the species they’re used on, especially when they know DVMs are going to use them any road.

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Just so. Because in that case, as I mentioned upthread, it is likely to be the DVMs butt in a sling when things go wrong.


Agreed, but trainers have an obligation as well. They can’t shirk their responsibility to know what is being done with their Derby horses. It’s an important part of the job. But yes, of course, the vet is first in line for the blame where this issue is concerned.

Oh, I agree the trainer has responsibility.
I was thinking that when the lawsuit comes, the DVM will be twisting in the wind.
Unless he really did document the need to discontinue use well before competition.
(Assuming here that he also actually prescribed it to begin with, which we don’t know aside from Baffert’s statements.)


No kidding. A bad and totally unavoidable situation for all involved.

I am interested in what you think about the article that I posted up-thread.

Baffert’s attorneys spinning the spin (which anyone can see is meaningless), while the KHRC, by regulation, is unable to make any public statement whatsoever, even to counteract blatant bull from the Baffert team.

I’m with the KHRC. I don’t give a rat’s patootie where the betamethasone came from; it’s not allowed, and it was present.
As far as this statement from the lawyer: “The Kentucky rules expressly permit use of topical salves,” I would strongly suspect that there is a little more specificity to the rule than that.

Anyone have chapter and verse on that?


I have to say I feel the same way about the current fuss over the Olympic skater. She failed a drug test before the games started. Why was she even out on the ice?


because cute…and omg, she is only 15…never mind about her career being basically over.


I read several background articles about all the skating nonsense, and I have to say I’m disgusted and apalled at the whole “discipline”. That Russian coach is the equivalent of the gymnastic coach Karolyi wrt to not giving a damn what physical and emotional damage is done so long as there are trophies to be had.

And given the stuff I read about puberty-blocking drugs and the emphasis on being as thin as possible because mature bodies don’t get enough airtime for some of the flashier moves, I’d lobby for raising the minimum age to compete.
No “athlete” should be a wreck before they’re grown. (something we horsefolk wrestle with regarding our horses)


I think Johnny Weir drove the point home to me. (I really enjoyed the serious side of him)
And I think Tara Lapinski demonstrated that puberty is not kind to the female skater. We don’t see that as much with the male skaters. Minus the totalitarian setup the Russians have.
the physics change, and you can’t change the biology to match it. Those girls still have 60+ years to live with their bodies!


I’ve been thinking the same thing.

Those kids do not have the perspective to make decisions that are in their own best interest. Especially since they must be training for that when they are 12/13/14 if they are competing at the Olympics at the age of 15.

And clearly their coaches can’t be trusted to protect them.


The whole topicals are allowed is BS and they all know it, it’s just lawyer speak throwing stuff at the walls and see what sticks. Meanwhile I am mixing up some DMSO morphine gel just in case…




Sid Fernando had a post about the ambiguity of the rules regarding ointments and Baffert

Sid conveniently omits discussing the “any other prohibited substances” part of the rule while he’s splitting hairs, though.
It seems to be a deliberate choice to do so.




Incredible that it took so long.


But interesting because regardless of what happens in any other of the many lawsuits out there (I have lost count as to which ones are still percolating) , Baffert will be suspended for Derby Week (unless he gets stay?)

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