Medina Spirit fails drug test

They’ve held all the money until this is resolved. There’s been a lawsuit filed to get them to release it but I don’t think it’s gone to court yet.

I guess that what I am confused by isn’t really about Baffert. It seems as though since there doesn’t appear to be what would be an NGB for racing, that individual entities, like CD, and the KHRB can pick and choose their rules and rulings. Do not misunderstand me- Baffert has done some bad shit. But, he isn’t alone, and it seems kind of arbitrary, in the sense that there isn’t any structure to it.

With the USEF, as flawed as that organization is, at least they are (or have been) the governing body for ALL of the horse shows. So, if there is a violation, it covers their shows in the whole country. I realize that the racing world is attempting to create such an entity, but they aren’t there yet.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding it.

As I understand it (and I could be wrong) the KHRB is in effect saying that Baffert has had two medication positives in Kentucky, and since all the medication positives in other states are public record, they have noticed that he has had other medication overages at other tracks within a relatively short period of time. Thus, they don’t consider him a good bet to run clean, and are not willing to risk their reputation and the reputation of the Derby, that he will.

He’s had time to clean up his act since the earlier positives and he didn’t . His horse tested positive in the Derby.

Hopefully HISA will come into effect at some point in time and make rules that are consistent throughout the country, but I don’t really see an issue with them noting his positives at other tracks and taking them into account.

Edited to correct terrible run on sentence.


Here we go (again)!

I have to wonder how much he’s spent on legal fees in the past year or so. Yikes.

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I think the appeal process of the suspension is just playing out. He’s going to court over the stay of his suspension and the judge will decide that. Then on the 19th of April, the KHRC will hear his appeal of the suspension.
If the KHRC doesn’t overturn it (which they won’t) then the lawsuits begin.

A quote of Amr Zedan from the TDN;
“Myself, my means, my resources are at Bob Baffert’s disposal,” Zedan told Luck. “We are going to see this 'til the end, and if it takes going to the Supreme Court, I will throw every single bit of me into this."

Zedan is a Saudi venture capitalist and can absorb the expense.
Baffert won’t be the one paying the attorneys fees when this winds it’s way through the legal system.


It’s amusing that Amr Zedan thinks the Supreme Court takes an interest in which horses run in the Kentucky Derby.


:grin: :grin: :grin:

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Yeah, I think it’s a foregone conclusion that the Supremes would decline to take up Baffert’s case should it go that far!

Does anyone think Zedan would keep his horses in training with Bob if Medina Spirit’s DQ was from second or third place? “Rose-tinted glasses” is a most appropriate description in this case.

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I have not been keeping up on all the details. Are there owners who have left Baffert as a result of the suspension?

If I owned a Derby contender this year, I would not want to miss out on a shot at the race that’s not too far off by this time.

So, here are the arguments…

Probably. Zedan seems to have quite the bromance with Bob and it seems Bob’s got a sugar daddy in Zedan.


Have to disagree. I’m about as outspoken as anyone when it comes to horse welfare, and love racing, …

Your statement : “Most Don’t” is exactly how Baffert has caused people to think, and exactly why many believe he has done a great disservice to our sport.

Because, the opposite is true. Most horsemen DO CARE. And so does everyone involved in this sport, whether hands-on or spectators.

You have basically just nailed the disservice he has done to the horse racing sport by your statement.


Now Churchill…


:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

So I read in one of the articles that he has to vacate his barns, remove his signage, and transfer all horses to other trainers.

Does “vacate the barns” mean he himself has to vacate or all of his trainees need to find new, temporary homes? Removing the signage will be difficult since a lot of his items are coordinated to his operation.

I am glad the courts are upholding this and that it will expand to all states in terms of the suspension.

But you would think that by now, he would go quietly into the night and shut the mouth but nope.

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Yes, he will be persona non grata, and will have to remove everything of his from the barns. The owners will have to transfer their horses to other trainers not affiliated with Baffert, or take them back to their respective farms. The race tracks will allocate Baffert’s stalls to other trainers.
Removing signage will be the least of his worries. He and his owners had better begin to plan, in case things don’t go his way on April 4th.

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There is some of the Judge’s reasoning in this article


^^^ Thankfully I’ve never been of interest to the press.

Leave it to them to publish a photo of you looking your smarmiest. :smile:

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