A good news/meh news kind of update: Took Mr Ay-rab back to OSU today for a sooner-than-planned follow up injection. It’s been 4.5 months since his last one. The good news is that his external masses are stable. The meh news is that I started seeing what I thought were changes in the edema in his eye that concerned me. They examined him and agreed that the mass in the front of his eye did not look as good as it did in March. The internal ones on his jugular were also slightly larger. Mind you, we are seeing very very small changes, but his team and I want to stay on top of it. Hypervigilance is our default mode for sure!
6 months would have been nice on my wallet, but I’d rather the beast was able to see. We are going to try for 4 month intervals, but I am fully prepared to stay at 3 months if that is what it takes.
Otherwise, he is the picture of health. Going to give him a couple of days off and then it’s back to the normal routine. I am ever thankful to the crew at OSU for their care and concern!